Thank You!!!

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Me: I can't believe it! I finished it!

France: Not yet! There is still book 2!

Me: I know right!!!!!


Me: Even though.. I'm here to say thank you for supporting my stories.. Specially ZoeandShade , EssyBessy , nicolebitoon , maliah68 (Tasha! I know you're reading this!!) .. Etc. you guys don't know how you help me retrieve my confidence. I lost it last year because I have experience so much bullying so I lost it.. But now I'm back from the pit of shame! Thankyou so much!!!

France: yeah! Now if a classmate of ate is reading this, get out!!! You're only gonna tell those (-----) boys so leave! But if your Ran or Tasha! Feel free.

Me: Wait for book 2! It will be more exciting because there you will know who's ??? Guy. He's the main antagonist!

France: And also ate would bring more characters! Such as Eena, Shade and Nicky and many more. Also Tasha and the others would have a bigger role.

Me: Yeah.. Hehehe.. So did you enjoy the story? Please leave a comment and share what you learn to others.

France: But I'll give a challenge first! See for the next chapter! Bye!

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now