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1 year later

Sofia's POV

I opened my eyes and saw my handsome husband sleeping peacefully next to me. I kissed his cheek and got up to take a shower.

Just when I finished dressing, I heard my son crying. He probably woke up now. I rushed to his room and he immediately calmed down when I took him in my arms.

I fed him then washed him and dressed him in his blue onesie. My stomach growled and I went to make a breakfast for us. I made us French toasts and scrambled eggs.

Just when I put food in plates, Michael came out of the room in grey shorts. He kissed me and took John from my arms.

''Today my parents and sibilings are coming for lunch.'' I informed him.
''Nice.'' He smiled and continued eating.

I took John and sat with him on a couch. I made him a bottle and fed him before rocking him to sleep. I'll put him for a nap so I could make a food for lunch in peace.

I put him in his crib and went in the kitchen. I really missed my family and I'm happy to see them again after two months. I wanted to invite them on Sunday lunch as nobody has work today.

Zayn started a college and we are surprised to hear he wants to take over a family business. We all know he is pro gamer so we were shocked to hear he wants to work serious job.

I really miss my mom the most. She helped me with John and supproted me the most. I don't know what I would become if she wasn't with me. She is truly a queen.

I felt pair of arms around my waist. He started kissing my neck and shoulder. I pushed him off a little when he started sucking on my skin.

''Don't distract me now.''
''But I want to f**k you now.'' He whined.
''You did that yesterday.'' I said and turned off a stove when it was finished.
''But I want to do it today too.'' He pouted and stomped his foot. I shook my head at his childishness.
''I'm doing lunch now, maybe tonight.'' I pecked his lips.
''But I want to do it now and tonight.''
''You are horny. Go take a shower.''
''You are mean.'' He said and went in the bathroom.

I soon heard water running and I took my time to set a table. Just when I finished everything, doorbell dinged. I went to open the door and Gabi immediately hugged me.

''Hello.'' I chuckled.
They entered after I hugged them all. Michael just came out of the bathroom dressed and Liam ran to him. He lifted him up and gave him kiss on a cheek.

''Hi, little man.''
''Hi, Micky.'' I chuckled lowly at the nickname. I still tease him about that.

We sat at the table and dad took John when he woke up. He really grew attached to him and John loves him.

''How is at college, Zayn?'' I asked him.
''You yourself wanted to take over a company.''
''I want that, but I don't want boring college.''

What a teenager! You need to get the hard way to the success. He will understand that one day. Dad shot him a glare and went back to cooing at John. He could just giggle.

''I want to say something since we are already here.'' I said. Suddenly, all attention was on me.
''I'm pregnant again.''

They probably needed to digest what I said as they were speechless. Mom gave me a soft smile that I returned while dad's face was undescribeable.

''Really?'' Michael asked me. I know he is already happy.
His reaction took me by surprise. He started crying and hugging me.
''I'm so happy. Thank you so much.'' He kissed my cheek rapidly.
''Okay, okay. Calm down.''

''When did you found out?'' Dad finally spoke up.
''A week ago.''
''Are you ready for another baby, Sofi?'' Jacob asked me.
''Of course.'' I smiled.

''Cool. Another family member.'' Gabi squealed. Michael wiped his tears and looked at me lovingly. I rubbed his arm in comforting way.

They started talking about the baby. I can see how excited they were. I was so happy when I took test a week ago and it came out positive. It was the same as when I was pregnant with John. I also knew Michael would be happy because he said he wants a lot of kids.

They were ready to leave at the evening. When they left I washed the dishes and put John to sleep. I'm happy that he is going to get a sibiling.

I entered our room and saw Micheal lying down on a bed. I went to closet to change myself. I put on his shirt and decided to tease him by not wearing anything underneath.

I got out and straddled him. I felt something hard poking me. He slid his hand under the shirt and smirked.

''Already ready for me, you naughty girl?'' He said as he put his hand on my throat which always turns me on. He pulled my face closer with the grip on my throat.
''You like when I choke you?'' He whispered. I tried to clench my legs but they were on either side of him.
''Yes, Sir.'' I moaned.
''You like when I f**k you hard?''
''I love it, Sir.''
''Then you are in so much trouble, babygirl.'' He said as he spanked my butt hard that I let out loud moan.
He can always make me feel good and loved, that's why I love him.

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