Chapter 14

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Sofia's POV

We did it last night and he was gentle at first, but he couldn't hold himself after. I was happy that my first time was with him. But I couldn't stay with him.

I wrote the note and put it on a pillow where I was lying. I feel bad for doing this but we can't be together. My legs were wobbly and I was sore down there. I got dressed and limped out of the apartment in the early morning.

Michael's POV

Last night was amazing! I would take her few more times if she didn't fall asleep after second time. I just love her so much and I'm happy that I was her first and I'll be her last.

I opened my eyes to see empty spot where my baby was lying. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before I saw piece of paper on the pillow. I took it and read it.

Michael, thank you for everything. I''m sorry that I didn't stay, but it's for the best as I said yesterday. I can't be with you how much I wanted to, because I feel guilty. I'm so sorry and I wish you wouldn't go looking for me.

I was fuming in anger. She dared to leave me after what happened. I got up and went to take a shower. I got dressed quickly and exited my apartment.

She can't leave me. I don't want to believe in that. I drove to her apartment and stood in front of her door knocking. There was no responding as I just grew angrier.

''Sofia baby, open the f***ing door!'' I yelled. There was still no response.
''You can't escape me.'' I said and left the building quickly.

I checked my wrist watch and it was 10 a.m. She probably went to the class. I can't believe she left me and I know the reason.

She feels guilty for doing that because of Stephanie. But I feel that it was right. As I said before, I will always have love for Stephanie but I moved on. And I can't give up on Sofia.

I went back home and got ready for work. I will go again to her apartment when I finish with my work. I  won't let her go that easily.

Sofia's POV

I calmed down once he stopped knocking on the door. I could hear how angry was he and I'm the one that made him angry.

I hugged the teddy bear Michael won for me. I started crying as I remembered what happened. My body was full of his marks that I was proud to have but it was only for me to see.

I wish my feelings weren't so strong. But I love him very much. I decided to get some rest at my parents house in New York. I wiped my tears and blowed my nose before calling my mom.

''Hey princess!'' She chirped on the other side of the phone.
''Hi mom.''
''How are you? Why did you call me? Did something happened?'' She asked worriedly.
''I'm fine mom. I called you to tell you I'm going to come home for few days so I can take a break. Nothing happened.''

''Okay then. I will prepare your room and tell your dad you're coming. I love you princess.''
''Thanks mom. I love you too.''
''I can't wait to see you. I need to go now, Liam is calling me. Bye.''
''Bye mom.''

I hung down and put my phone on nightstand. I heard the apartment door opening and I figured out it's Chloe. She knocked on my door and entered. She gasped when she saw the state I was in.

''Sofia what happened?'' She said and hugged me tightly. I started sobbing on her shoulder.

I told her everything that happened and she looked at me with pity.
''I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But you shouldn't be guilty about that. You love him Sofia and it's all that matters. He obviously loves you too.''

''But I can't be with him. I called my mom just before you came and I'm going to stay in New York for few days to take a break.'' I told her.
''Okay then. It will get better Sofia, don't worry too much. Did you eat anything?''
I shook my head 'no' and she pulled me out of the bed.
''Let's go eat.''

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