Chapter 2

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Sofia's POV

I was washing the dishes when Chloe entered the house with few bags. I rolled my eyes at her because I knew exactly what's in them.

''I bought us dresses and heels for tonight.'' She chirped and sat the bags on a table.
''I hope it's not too revealing.''
''Of course not. It's going to be perfect for you.''

I finished when I saw it's already 8 p.m. I went in my room with the bag that was for me. I took out black short dress and black heels from the box.

I put them down on the bed and started doing my makeup. I made smokey eyes  and put lipgloss. I just brushed my hair and put on my clothes. I was worried about the dress because it was a lot shorter than I imagined.

I got out and saw Chloe in sparkly silver dress with black heels. She was actually gorgeous with all the effort she made. Her eyes widened at my outfit and she gasped quietly.

''You are hot Sofia.'' She chuckled.
''Thanks, you are gorgeous too.''
''Let's go then.'' We took our purses and headed out after locking the door.

We got in her car and she drove off. I didn't even know in which club we are going anyway. There are a lot of clubs in Chicago.

After few minutes, she parked across the club which had really bright lights and music was thumping loudly. We got out and crossed the street.

When we got in it was really loud. People were sweating while dancing and someones were reeking of alcohol. Chloe led me to the bar where I ordered just soda. I didn't want any sort of alcohol because I just don't like to drink.

Chloe wanted to dance but I didn't so I stayed at the bar chair looking at all of this sweaty people rubbing against each other. I couldn't see Chloe anymore as she got lost in a crowd.

Out of nowhere some guy approached me. He sat on the next bar stool and smiled at me. I didn't like him for some reason.

''Hello! What does a girl like you doing here alone?'' He yelled through a music.
''I'm not alone.'' I answered loud enough.
''Do you want to dance?''
''No, I'm fine.'' I declined his offer and looked around to spot Chloe, but I still didn't see her.

I looked back at the guy to see him still smiling like some creep. I took few sips of my soda because my throat was dry.
I jumped up a little when he touched my knee.

''Are you sure you still don't want to dance?'' He smirked, but I slapped his hand away.
''I'm sure.'' I got up and suddenly felt dizzy. I closed my eyes for a moment before heading out of the club.

It got worse when I got out. I was seeing black dots blurring my vision but I kept walking across the street.

I don't know how that happened when I saw bright lights in front of me. Everything was in swift motion. Car hit me and I flew over a hood. My body fell aside as I watched the car slamming into the stop sign then at the wall.

I felt thick liquor on my head as my eyes were closing slowly. Before I got unconcious, I heard voices around me calling the doctors. I let one tear out and passed out completely.

Michael's POV

''I'm coming soon.'' I heard my fiancee on the other side of the line.
''Okay, love you.'' I say.
''Lov—'' I heard her gasp then loud trash before line went dead.

I got panicked and tried to call her again but there was no response. I picked up my jacket and exited our apartment.

By the sound of the loud noise, I think she got in the car accident. On my way to the hospital, I was praying that she will be alright.

Just when I arrived there was a sight I'll never forget. Paramedics were taking out a bloody body out of hospital vehicle. I got closer and saw Stephanie laying there while they were running inside.

I was in state of shock then noticed another girl with blood on her head. I went inside with my fiancee. How much I wanted to go inside, they told me I should wait outside.

I slumped on the chair when I felt my cheeks getting wet. I can't lose her. She is my everything. Everything happened so fast that I didn't processed what actually happened.

After four hours of waiting, I saw man and probably his wife who was holding a little child in her arms. The man was holding hand to a small girl who was crying. They got inside the room that was few rooms away from here.

Suddenly the doctor came out of the room Stephanie was brought.
''Doctor, how is my fiancee?''
''I'm sorry Sir. She didn't make it. We have done everything we could.''
''What do you mean?'' I shook his shoulders yelling.
''We are sorry. She was severely injured. I'm sorry.'' And that's when I realized that the love of my life is dead.

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