Author's Note

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Thanks for giving my book a try hope that you'll stay and enjoy the ride of Nate as he navigates the world filled with Bobbies.

My cover was created by sunshine_read and the banner by Bandit26139. These both were created with my story in mind as I wanted my cover to reflect the grittiness of my book, that being said please don't leave comments saying that I should replace it or anything of the sort, those comments will be ignored.

First things first grammar. I am aware there are mistakes in my book, this is a rough draft even though I work hard to correct these mistakes I'm human and they do appear, sorry if that's something that bothers you. While I do not mind comments pointing out a mistake please do not point out every single one. Most people don't do, this simply for the people who have done this. Secondly...


Really not putting these here just for the fun of it. The list below are all things that will happen, be described, be mentioned, or alluded whether it's the prologue, chapter one, or any future chapter. 

Gore/Violence: (blood, people being mimed, cannibalism, people being eaten alive, corpses, bullet wounds, being stabbed, killing of animals)Fire: (people being burned alive, places being set on fire). Sexuality: (nudity, sex, kissing) Sexual Violence: (Unwanted touches, rape, non-con) Torture: (physical, psychological, emotional). Misc: (mature language, panic attacks, people being treated like animals.                                                                                       

*most things involving sexuality whether that be sex or non-consensual will be alluded to or briefly mentioned. Things of the more violent nature i.e torture will be described*

All the above items are just things that I wanted to get out there if simply because of a comment or two that I'd rather not address, or personal reasons. Hope you enjoy the story!

-J.C. Walker

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