17 | jumped at a golf course

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know." JJ replies with a sigh. "It's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro."

"As soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp." John B assures.

"I don't trust adults. All they do is create problems or make them worse." Delilah says.

"And do you know why that is?" Pope questions.

"Yeah, trust issues." Delilah bluntly replies, almost sounding as though shes singing the sentence.

"How do you even know all of that, John B?" Kie asks, changing the subject.

"'Cause my dad said it like a million times." John B replies.

Kie nods. "Yeah, that's fair."

"This tether is really long. In the wrong weather, this thing could get pushed around." Pope informs.

"Then we'll go at dead calm." John B concludes.

Thunder rumbles loudly in the sky as the long haired boy says that, completely contradicting the plan that he's decided to go with. Dark clouds are starting to roll in and cover the once blue sky, which is only another sign that there's going to be another storm. Guys of wind blow against their bodies, ruffling their clothes and the hair on their head.

"Now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather." Pope states.

Delilah sighs. "And today is not that day."

"Hey, Ly, you coming with us later to deliver groceries?" JJ suddenly asks.

"Yeah, why not? I have nothing else to do." Delilah replies.

JJ shoots a smile to the girl standing right beside him, noticing how her green eyes are locked onto the rippling water below them all. The ocean calms the redhead, which is something that she found out from when she was young. As a child, she would always look out of her once perfect household and watch the teenagers at the time surf the waves. She was too young to copy their adventurous actions though and resorted to relaxing by the docks with her little feet dangling into the water. Fortunately, she met JJ and John B through this since they shared the similar interest in surfing, as well and many other things.

Heading into their teenage years, JJ and Delilah had stolen a boat from the salvage yard together. This resulted in the pair dragging John B out of the house to sail through the marsh on the boat. Since this was during the time that her family was crumbling, being out with the boys and on the waters made Delilah forget about her home situation and was able to relax her tense body. They soon met Pope and Kiara through this. Then, after a mutual agreement, the boats name became HMS Pogue.

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Delilah stands on board of one of Heywards boat as she, JJ, and Pope have volunteered to give the Kooks the groceries that they ordered. A decent amount of money is coming from the job in return, and it's just a kind gesture towards Heyward. The grocery bags are currently being unloaded onto the three, which are then being carefully put aside within the boat.

"You boys, and girl, get these groceries over to Figure Eight." Heyward orders.

Pope reaches out and takes two bags.

"I promised delivery by this afternoon." Heyward states. "Apparently, rich folks don't wanna wait for you lazy sons of bitches."

JJ is now the one to take two bags.

"Get straight back here when you're done, you hear me? No fishing!" Heyward demands, pausing as he looks at the girl. "Oh! Thank you, Delilah."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now