Chapter 38

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"Yeonjun was Jimin's classmate. That is how Sara met him. We were in the same group. Namjoon and Yoongi too. But to cut it short, we got to know Yeonjun through Jimin. Everything started when Sara and he got closer, they started going out. They did not really date, but they were going out frequently. Months passed by, all of us assumed they were dating. They went for movies together every week. They were close, very close. But then, Yeonjun is such a conflicted person. He projected his insecurities towards his relationship with Sara. Things got worse when he began to get vocal and lashed on Sara. He said things like their relationship won't work, Sara is too good for him, or Sara will never be enough for him. He said she is too good for him, to the point, it does not feel right. It sounded petty, I know. But those words he threw at her, those are the words that destroyed her"

Words. The most powerful weapon indeed.

"We had no idea, not until Sara stopped talking and detached herself from everyone. We no longer saw Yeonjun picking her up, nor eating together outside. Everything just stopped. We were clueless because Sara did not say anything. She said nothing at all. But then, she was silent for a week. We knew something happened.  Few days after that, we found her in her room, it was dark and she was just sitting in the corner, crying. Everyone was there... Yeonjun destroyed her self-esteem. He destroyed every bit of confidence she had. Can you imagine people questioning your existence? Saying you are too good yet you are not enough? He blamed Sara for being too kind, too caring and too understanding. He blamed her for trying to help him be better saying she wanted to look better than him. It was...dreadful. He said it was her fault for making him fall for her, confusing his feelings and driving him mad. He even said Sara is too kind to the point, no one will never be good enough for her. He was twisted. He twisted everything. But, will remember words"

Jungkook got up from his bed, closing his eyes shut in frustration. Anger, there is too much anger in his blood making him wants to punch a wall and bleed his hands. He wants to run and scream into the void, projecting his inner anguish and let it all out.

He could not sit still after hearing what happened to Sara. And everything Yeonjun had done to her. He could not even eat his dinner properly, feeling sick and disgusted whenever he remembers the story Yuna had told him over their meeting earlier. His throat feels bitter to even chew the favourite gourmet burger he bought for himself.

He is in distress. He couldn't believe a human being would have the heart to do the things Yeonjun did to Sara. No one, in this entire world, deserved to be treated like that. He never thought he would hear of something like this, so heartless and so horrible. But he did. And it broke him to the core it happened to Sara—the person he is in love with.

"Sara didn't eat for a few days. Didn't even talk to any of us. Hoseok took a few days leave just to stay with her. All of us didn't go to class so that we can watch over her. She was...dead in the inside. She questioned herself, blaming herself for being kind. She was clueless. She even asked me if it was her that drove Yeonjun away from her"

Jungkook heard himself cursed under his breath as he recalls the story again. "Shit...shit..."

Pushing himself off the bed, he walks out to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of cold water. He gulped it all in one go and slammed the glass onto the marble counter. Breathing in and out, heavily and slowly, he feels himself shaking with rage. His hands tremble, making him clench to the edges of the table just to hold himself from slamming on them.

There is no control over the overflooding feelings of emotions taking over his body. So much anger, so much heartache, so much sadness and so much regret. Regrets. Yes. A painful feeling taking a space in his shaken heart. He regrets that Sara had to go through such a terrible experience. He could not believe himself for feeling so much ache as he breathes so painfully, pondering about everything Sara felt when Yeonjun said those things to her.

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