"Keep the signal clear." Pope reminds.

"You know what your problem is?" JJ begins.

"You?" Pope fires back.

"No, it's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense!" JJ exclaims.

"I'm not too tense." Pope insists.

The campervan rolls to a stop near the salvage yard, John B making sure that they're not too close so that the plan can actually work as intended to. Kiara and Delilah take it as their cue to hop out and head over to the one that they'll be using, which means that two different vehicles are part of the plan. But Del turns back around to face JJ before she leaves.

"Don't do anything too stupid while I'm not with you." Delilah says.

"Wouldn't count on it, princess." JJ replies.

A faint smirk can be seen tugging at the corners of his lips. Delilah rolls her eyes at him in response, leaning forwards where she places her lips against his cheek and kisses him softly. When pulling away, a small smile is flashed at JJ before she climbs out and follows Kie over to the other car.

The vehicle is large and a deep black colour with the HMS Pogue attached to back of it as though it's just another trailer. As well as that, the tires are able to move smoothly against the rocky roads. The girls clamber into the car where Kie drives them towards the salvage yard, eventually stopping just in front of the gates that they have set up. Both of them climb out to quickly release air from one of the four tires to make the lie more realistic. Then, they call out to the guard and captures his attention, watching as he walks over to them.

"Can I help you both?" The man asks.

"Hi!" Kie greets, coming across as friendly and polite. "Um, we actually have a flat tire. And we were wondering if you could maybe help us out?"

"Yeah, sure." The man agrees. "Let me just grab my tools from inside."

"This is pathetic. It's too easy." Delilah mumbles to her friend as the man walks away from them.

Kie sighs. "Honestly."

Not long later, the man walks back outside with his toolbox gripping in hand. He pulls open the gate to allow himself back onto the other side before letting it slowly slide shut once again. The adult wastes no time in making his way back to the girls with the aim to help them pump air into the tires.

Delilah's attention doesn't remain focused on the man as she casts a sly glance over her shoulder. To her, the boys can be seen hiding behind a concrete barrier as they crouch down. Their eyes meet her gaze, watching as the signal is given to them to start moving. They all listen and sneak their way into the salvage yard through the gates that are still sliding shut, only just making it. The girls remain stood where they are as they keep the man distracted with the flat tire that they actually caused on purpose.

Minutes pass of Delilah and Kie watching as the man kindly pumps air back into the tires of the vehicle, the redhead finding herself growing more and more bored. Then, all of a sudden, the loud sound of a dog barking fills the quiet air and captures everyones attention. The girls tense up as they internally about what they should do, trying to play it off as nothing. But the man still looks up.

"Do you two hear that?" The man asks.

"Hear what?" Kie questions.

"Tebow's got something." The man informs.

"What type of name is—" Delilah begins, getting cut off as her friend elbows her in the rib to be quiet.

"It's probably just a racoon, maybe. You know?" Kie suggests. "Nothing to worry about."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now