ch 6- Womanizer

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"Sounds like Adam."  Bridgette shook her head not surprised.

"He makes so many stupid decisions when he has  so much to loose.  Coach has been getting on him hard this year and if he screws up once he's off the team."  Ava rolled her eyes thinking about her brother.

"What team?"  I asked and Bridgette and Ava looked at me like I was stupid.

"He's the quarterback and captain of the football team."  Bridgette said like it was obvious.

Of course he was.


"Chill B.  She's only been at this school for one day."  Ava laughed making Bridgette laugh too.

"Okay well I'm leaving for real this time.  Bye girls!"  Bridgette called and started walking out of the gym.

"Don't mind Bridgette.  She's really nice I swear."  Ava said trying to be soothing and I laughed it off. 

"No she doesn't seem that bad.  Just intense."  I answered honestly and Ava nodded.

"That's a good word for her.  Are you excited about making the team?" 

"Yeah, it feels good to play again."  I answered honestly and a big smile went across Ava's face.

"I'm so excited we have a libero again."  She said mainly to herself and I half wondered if Ava was actually that nice or if she was just sucking up to me because I was their team's last hope.

"I'm excited to be a libero again."

Ava stood up about to walk out when she looked back at me.

"Do you need a ride?"  She asked and I was about to say no then looked back down at my phone which still had zero unread messages.

"Um yeah actually, I think I do."  I stood up giving my now sweat dried hair a good shake and grabbing my duffle bag.

"I'll take you home."  She said with a smile as we went the opposite way that Bridgette did and through a tunnel. 

"Where are we going?"  I asked.

"The football field.  I have to get Stupid."  Ava said casually and I couldn't help but, laugh at her not so original nickname for Adam.

Once we got on the field I was amazed.  It was beautiful and much better than the one at my school in Miami.  Then again my school wasn't too big on football.  They were more into water and beach stuff like surfing, volleyball, and the swim team.

Ava pulled out her phone and looked at the time.

"They should be out soon.  They just got done with practice and are changing." 

I shrugged.  I didn't mind waiting and besides I got to hang out with Ava a little more without the annoying presence of Adam.

"So honest question who was better looking.  Boys at your old school or boys here?"  Ava asked wiggling her eyebrows and I let out a loud laugh feeling caught off guard.

"I honestly don't know.  It may be about even.  I mean they just look different.  Like boys back in Florida had the whole surfer look going on and here everyone dresses so preppy."  I admitted and it was true.

I however liked both looks and was definitely starting to get used to the 'preppy' thing. 

"Hmm.  You need to take me to Miami with you someday.  I love surfer boys."  Ava stretched out her bronzed legs on the bleachers and day dreamed and I couldn't help but, feel like she was just like her brother the way she went 'hmmm.'

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