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A few years passed since the friends were reunited, and things were perfect. Jay and Carlos got married and ended up having another baby girl called Nina. Tess adored her, while Cameron was sour he got another sister and not a brother. Mal and Ben had a son named Dan. Uma and Evie considered adopting, but instead looked after their friends' kids every now and then. Harry was locked in the castle dungeons along with Gil and the rest of the crew. One day, Carlos went down into the dungeons to check on them, since he decided he wanted to be the one who did that. His friends protested, saying he might have PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but he insisted. He wanted to watch the person who hurt him so much for so long, suffer. He slowly walked down the winding, stone steps with Nina on his hip. She giggled and Carlos smiled. Twelve years of tempting suicide and abuse and rape was all worth it. Now, he was happy. He had three wonderful kids, a perfect husband and amazing friends who helped him get over everything that had happened. He heard yelling coming from in the cells, Harry yelling. He pushed open the metal door and glared inside. Harry and the other goons were piled in each other, fighting over a piece of food. He shut the door behind him, walking a little closer to the cell. He took a seat on a wooden chair and watched them fight. Harry finally noticed him and walked as close as he could. He reached through the cell bars to play with a strand of Carlos' hair. "Hey Dollface,"he flirted. Carlos slapped his hand away.
"Don't touch me. I'm not your Dollface. I'm not even yours anymore,"the puppy boy snapped.
"Aww, didn't know my baby would be so sad to leave me." The crew had now turned their attention to Harry and Carlos after Gil ate the food.
"I was so fucking happy to leave you! You hurt me and Tess and Cameron. You're lucky we're actually feeding you!" Carlos stood up, still only slightly shorter than Harry. The pirate grinned and laughed slightly.
"Oh just you wait, babe. Soon, we'll be outta here. I will take back what's rightfully mine. You."
"I never belonged to you, and I never will. Try all you want, but I will never, ever love you." A bunch of 'oohss' and 'roasted's filled the air. Harry glared at Carlos. The son of Cruella grinned in accomplishment before walking out of the room, closing and locking the metal door behind him. He went back upstairs to where Jay was waiting for him, like usual. "I love you,"Carlos said, walking into his lover's open arms.
" I love you too, beautiful,"the ex-thief replied, pulling his husband into a hug. Nina giggled from in Carlos' arms.
"Da... dada..."she stuttered, reaching up to grab a small fistful of Jay's hair. Both male's smiled at each other. It was their daughter's first words. They headed up into their bedroom, Nina slowly falling asleep on the way.

And they all lived Happily Ever After...

So... before you go.


The end! This story is done! I really enjoyed doing it. It's been my favourite so far. Check out my new story, 'The Prince's Puppy' which will be my first Benlos story! Unfortunately, I'm kinda struggling with my life right now, so it'll probably be updated quite irregularly :( Sorry about that. Anyway, for the last time this book, Love you all! ❤️

GoodbyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora