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So... before you go...

Carlos slowly returned to the room his friends were in, his head hung low. Evie pulled him into a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay puppy, we'll fix this,"she reassured. Tears were spilling out of the puppy boys eyes and dribbling down his cheeks. It killed Jay to see his lover like this. Gently, the son of Jafar took over from Evie and embraced his boyfriend, whispering words of comfort into his hair. Tess and Cameron hovered about Carlos' feet, kinda just getting in the way. Jay gently ran a hand through his lovers white locks, letting Carlos cry into his shoulder. Mal and Uma stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Eventually, Uma gathered Cameron and Tess and hugged them, telling them it's be okay and their lives will be so much better soon. Evie smiled. Mal frowned. How come Evie never smiled at her like that?! Right, right, because Uma is Evie's girlfriend so she gets more attention and love! (Sarcasm) Mal tried to hide her frown as she turned her attention to Carlos and Jay. "How about instead of crying, we actually try and get it off?!"she said, unable to hide the tone of jealousy and anger in her voice. Carlos pulled away from Jay and nodded. Jay lifted the back of Carlos' hair up to take a look at the lock on the collar.
"We need a passcode,"he stated, as he tried a combination. Carlos let out a cry of pain, and gripped his neck. "I'm so sorry!!"Jay cried, rubbing Carlos' neck.
"I guess if you get the passcode wrong it'll shock him..."Evie said.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I'm sure we al already figured that out!"Mal snapped.
"What has gotten into you?"Uma asked, glaring at Mal.
"Let's just get this damn thing off Carlos and get the fuck out of here, okay?!?!"
"Okay..."Evie whispered, wiping a tear from her eye. What was up with Mal? Why did she snap at her like that?

Ben held the boat just beside the ship, trying to keep the engine as quiet as possible. He really didn't want to give his friends away, who knew what Harry might do to them? He looked up and saw Gil staring down at him. The pirate opened his mouth, about to yell before Ben quietly yelled, "No please Gil no!" Gil closed his mouth.
"Why shouldn't I?"he asked, sneering.
"Because it'll cost my friends their lives, probably those kids and Carlos' too! Please Gil!"
"Good, Carlos deserves to die..."
"What?" Now Ben was confused. Why did Gil want Carlos gone? Did Carlos do something, or is it just because he's evil?
"Carlos deserves to be sent back to the Isle and never see Auradon again. Never see you or Mal or Evie or Uma or Harry again!"
"Okayyy... what did Carlos do to you?"
"He took Harry from me,"Gil grumbled, before running off. Ben was shocked. Gil was in love with Harry?!?! Suddenly, Ben heard a deafening roar.
"WHAT?!?!?! THEY FUCKING WHAT?!?!?!"Harry yelled, storming to the side of the ship. He spotted Ben, then yelled, "GET HIM!!" Five or six crew members jumped down off the ship into Ben's tiny speedboat. One grabbed his right arm, another his left, another grabbed his waist and the others started tying him up. Oh boy was Mal gonna be mad.

Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better, if only I'd had known you were the storm to weather...


Sorry it took me so long to update, however much I love writing this I'm kinda sad not many people are reading it. I'm super proud of it, so for those who are, can you try and spread the word? If you do tell me in the comments and I'll tag you in the next update! ❤️ Love you all, stay safe!

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