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When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running cold...

Mal reached forwards and grabbed the back of the ship. Evie grabbed her best friends waist, Uma grabbing Evie and Jay grabbing Uma, creating a chain while Ben drove the boat. The VKs were yanked out of the speedboat and onto the back of the ship. Mal nodded at Ben and he drove quietly alongside the ship, while the other began to climb up the back. Mal stopped at a window, her friends coming up beside her. She pointed into the window. Carlos was in the room along with the two kids. Both the kids had hand marks in their cheeks, and Carlos was holding ice packs to their cheeks, while the puppy boy himself had a black eye. "Daddy, you need an ice pack,"the little girl said.
"No, there isn't enough for me, Tess, I want you two to have them,"Carlos replied. Tess Uma thought Cute name The friends tried opening the window. Carlos spotted them. His face lit up. He rushed to the window and unlocked it.
"Puppy!"Evie cried, doing her best to hug him through the window. Mal and Uma were also trying to show their happiness, but struggling. Jay tried to smile, but even that was hard. Tess and the little boy came up behind Carlos.
"Are these the people you told us in those stories Daddy?"the little boy asked. Carlos smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah they are. And we're getting out of here..."Carlos added. Suddenly, there was a loud yell coming from outside the room. "CARLOS?!?!"Harry shouted.
"Coming!"Carlos called, "Stay here, I'll be right back." Carlos left the room while the two kids helped Mal, Evie, Uma and Jay into the room.
"So, Car- I mean, your daddy told you stories about us?"Mal asked.
"Yeah, you're the dragon girl, and you're the one who makes clothes, and you can turn into an octopus, and you're his boyfriend!"Tess said, smiling and pointing at each of the VKs as she said what Carlos had told them about them. Jay smiled. Carlos still thinks of me as his boyfriend, even after twelve years of being apart... Then, they heard a loud crash followed by a smacking sound come from outside the room. Footsteps slowly getting quieter told them that Harry had left. Gently, Tess opened the door. Carlos was standing outside holding his cheek. Evie rushed over to him and hugged him from behind. Carlos smiled before hugging her back. They both entered the room again and shut the door, so if Harry did come back he wouldn't see the VKs. More hugs followed Evie's, and when Jay hugged Carlos, the puppy boy gripped him, refusing to let go.
"I missed you..."Carlos whispered into Jay's chest. Meanwhile, Mal was talking to the kids.
"So, what're your names?"she asked.
"I'm Tess and this is Cameron!"Tess replied, smiling.
"Aww, and is Harry your dad?"
"Yeah, but he's mean."
"What do you mean by mean?"
"He hits us and Daddy. He says kids are useless  and Daddy should only sit still and look pretty, and he is to be seen and not heard." Mal was horrified. Carlos' life had already been really shitty, and now Harry made it so much worse.
"What else did he do?"
"Well, he once told Daddy he was too fat and needed to lose weight. He didn't let Daddy eat for weeks, and he almost died. Then he told me that if girls don't wear make-up and aren't thin and have big boobs then nobody will ever love them, so he only feeds me once a day, makes me wear make-up everyday and wants to get me surgery to make my boobs bigger."
"Oh my god! And how old are you?"
"We're both twelve." Mal couldn't believe her ears. Harry was a monster! "He also once said that Cameron was an accident and shouldn't exist. If either of us did something wrong, Dad would hit us, and then he'd hit Daddy and say he wasn't strict enough or he was a very bad parent,"Tess added. Evie and Uma were listening to Tess tell Mal about everything, and were equally as horrified. Carlos and Jay, however, still hadn't separated from their embrace. Tears were flowing down Carlos' freckles cheeks as he clutched Jay as tightly as possible.
"I'm so sorry..."Jay whispered into Carlos now-not-so-curly hair, "I'm so sorry I didn't protect you like I promised to... I should've been able to save you... I'm so sorry..."
"It isn't your fault, please don't blame yourself for anything. You're here now, and I'm never letting you go again,"Carlos replied into Jay's chest. Jay smiled.
"Have you classed me as your boyfriend all this time?"
"Of course, I love you so much and nothing will ever change that. You're my everything Jay..."
"And you're my everything... I love you too..."
"You wanna know something?"
"What?" Jay gently pulled slightly away from the embrace to look Carlos in the eye, but keeping a firm grip on the puppy boys hand.
"Tess and Cameron aren't actually Harry's children. They're yours."
"Really?!" Jay was shocked.
"Mhm, I got pregnant just before I was kidnapped. That's actually why I was in the bathroom, I was taking a pregnancy test. I ended up accidentally bringing it with me, and when Harry... did something to me... he made me take a test. It was positive, but I knew it was yours because I'd taken another test before that and it was also positive." Carlos smiled up at Jay, and Jay returned the smile.
"So you don't love Harry, right?"
"I'll never love anybody but you babe,"Carlos confirmed. Jay gently kissed Carlos' lips, and the puppy boy's eyes flickered shut for a moment. When Jay slowly pulled away, he opened his eyes.
"C'mon, lets get you out of here..." But before any of the VKs could move, they heard a booming roar. Harry.
"CARLOS?!?!?!?! CARLOS GET HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"he yelled. Shaking, Carlos left the comfort of Jay's embrace and headed towards the door. Gently, he opened the door and left the room, slowly closing it behind him. "Carlos! There you are!"Harry said, his voice still loud but not shouting, "I was looking for you, come here!" Trembling, Carlos walked over to Harry. Evie used her Magic Mirror to watch the pair instead of peering through the door. Tess and Cameron were fascinated by this, and it seemed they'd never known magic existed. They watched as Harry grabbed Carlos' arm and dragged him into another room below the deck of the ship. Harry threw the puppy boy onto the nearby sofa before rummaging through some drawers. Carlos sat up straight on the sofa, fiddling with something on his hand before Harry grabbed his face, forcing him to look the pirate in the eye. Although the Magic Mirror has no sound, the room was close enough for them to hear Harry's words, "I made this so you can't go anywhere. The kids can leave for all I care, but you are staying right here, forever." Carlos' eyes were tearing up. Harry let go of Carlos' face before snapping a collar of some sorts around his neck. "I'll show you how this works..."he began, "You disobey me, and this happens..." Harry presses a button on a remote control he had, and Carlos threw his hands to his neck in agony.
"AGH STOP PLEASE STOP!!"the puppy boy begged. Harry presses the button and it stopped.
"Shock collar,"he added, before forcefully kissing Carlos' lips. "You're mine and only mine, nothing will ever change that." Harry left the room Carlos was in, leaving the puppy boy alone with his thoughts. The VKs were shocked. How were they supposed to save Carlos now?

Well time can heal but this won't...

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