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I fell by the wayside, like everyone else, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you but I was just kidding myself....

Jay rubbed his eyes. "No way..."he muttered under his breath.
"Huh? What is it Jay?"Mal asked, looking at her friend. Jay was too in shock to reply.
"No way no way no way..."he continued to whisper to himself. Mal looked over at where Jay was looking.
"Is that? Uma, is that your old ship?!?! The one Harry locked Carlos on?!?!" The others looked over there. Sure enough was the huge ship that Uma once owned, but now belonged to Harry.
"Do you think we can..."Evie trailed off, "Save Carlos? If he's... still there..." The friends stood up and rushed closer to the shoreline where the ship was. It was still quite in the distance, but was slowly coming closer. As the ship got closer, they heard a yell that sounded familiar.
"Gil..."Uma muttered.
"GUYS STOP NO TURN AROUND!"Gil yelled. They could see him in the crows nest.
"WHY?"was an angry Harry's reply.
"Code C?"Ben asked, "Wonder what that means?"
"TURN THE SHIP AROUND!"Gil continued. Harry came up from under deck, his hair a mess, his shirt buttons undone and no shoes on. A little boy followed him, only about twelve, a tugged in his sleeve.
"Dad, what's going on? What were you and Daddy doing? Who are they?"the small boy asked, pointing at the friends on the shore. Harry brushes him off.
"Go away, go find your sister or something!"Harry snapped, walking away from the boy. Evie felt bad. It reminded her of how her mother used to treat her.
"I wonder who that is?"Mal said. Evie nodded. Another child emerged from below deck, a girl this time, with long, dark brown hair. It reminded Evie of Jay's hair. Freckles dotted her face, with big brown eyes. Her brother, at least Evie assumed they were siblings, looked identical to her but with short, curly, dark brown hair. They were the same height and both wearing jeans and t-shirts, seemingly made out of scraps. Poor kids... Evie thought.
"HARRY!"Mal yelled, "WHERE IS CARLOS?!?! WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM?!?!" Harry ignored her, but the kids didn't.
"Dad, how does that girl know Daddy?"the little girl asked. Jay's heart dropped, along with his friends.
"WHAT?!"Mal yelled again. No way no way... Mal thought Carlos wouldn't... he wouldn't... The friends on the shore all knew they needed to get to the ship. They all had questions. As they were about to go and get a boat to follow the ship, another person emerged from below deck. They vaguely recognised this person. He wore a colour scheme of black, white and red, with black at the roots hair and white at the tips. A person they hadn't seen in twelve years. But he'd changed. He was taller, his hair was longer, almost at his shoulders. "CARLOS!!!!!"all the friends yelled at the same time, ecstatic to finally see him. He looked over at them, and smiled. He rushed to the side of the ship.
"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"Evie called. They had to yell to hear each other. Carlos' smiles faded, as Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
"HE'S MINE NOW! ISN'T THAT RIGHT PUP?!"Harry boasted. Carlos slowly looked at his friends, tears in his eyes, before looking at the floor and nodding slightly. Harry forced a kiss on Carlos' lips before leaving him. The two kids ran up to Carlos and hugged him. The son of Cruella kneeled down and pulled them close to him. The ship slowly started to move away.
"NO!"Evie cried, along with her friends. Carlos ran to the back of the ship, trying to escape and get to them, but Harry grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a kiss. Jay's heart shattered as Carlos kissed back, before following Harry down below deck without a backwards glance. All the friends were shocked. "We have to follow them, we can't lose him again, we're so close!"Evie cried, running down to the docks with the others hot on her tail. Ben handed over a wad of cash to the man standing beside a speedboat as the VKs piled in. Ben sat in the front and started driving the boat as fast as it'd go. The ship was just among the horizon, and all the friends hopes were through the roof. Apart from Jay. He'd seen it. He'd seen Carlos kiss Harry and it was obvious they had had both the kids. Evie noticed Jay's sadness. She pulled him into a hug and whispered, "I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for this, okay? Carlos would never want to do that to you, he's head over heels for you. Take a deep breath and remember, we're about to save our friend who we haven't seen in twelve years!" Jay nodded slightly, relaxing a Evie's words. He felt slight excitement in his blood, as Mal urged Ben to go faster. They all kept the ship in view as they grew closer. Before they knew it, they were right behind the ship... so close...almost there...

Our every moment, I start to replace, but all I can think about, is seeing that look on your face...

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