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So... before you go...

Harry locked Ben in a small cell, before kicking down the door to the room the VKs were in. He spotted Jay trying to break the collar off Carlos, Mal, Evie and Uma trying to break the kids out, the girls and Cameron halfway out the window. "And where do you think you're going?"Harry asked, teasing and grabbing Carlos' arm, pulling him away from Jay. Jay was about to lunge and grab Carlos back, but Harry continued, "Take one step closer and I'll shock him!" Jay stopped dead in his tracks. The other had already climbed out of the window before realising the boat was unoccupied, meaning Ben had been caught. Evie motioned for Jay to come over and he slowly walked over. She whispered in his ear before starting to make her way down into the boat. Evie helped Uma and Mal get the kids into the boat and waited while Uma and Mal went to save Ben. Jay stood in the room, unsure of what to do. Harry was glaring at him, holding onto Carlos, while the puppy boy looked scared out of his mind. Jay took one step forward, and Harry shocked Carlos.
"NO PLEASE STOP AGHH!!"Carlos cried, trying to rip the collar off. Harry turned off the shock.
"You can blame Jay, I told him if he came closer I would shock you!"Harry sneered. Jay stood still. Harry continued to talk, "Take the kids, I never wanted them anyway. But you are never taking Carlos. Now leave, before I shock him again." The fear in Carlos' face told Jay that shocking hurt, so he slowly left through the window. Heartbreak shattered across the puppy boys face. Jay felt guilty, but continued to climb out. Harry smiled evilly, as Jay climbed down into the boat. The pirate let go of Carlos and shut the window, before turning back to the son of Cruella. "Now it's time for our fun." Carlos gulped, knowing exactly what he meant. "Now, lets first have a quick review. Who do you belong to?"
"You..."Carlos replies, tears threatening to spill.
"And why do you not leave?"
"Because you'll hurt me..."
"Last one, what do you call me?"
"Babe, baby or daddy..."
"Perfect,"Harry finished, before grabbing Carlos' arm and dragging him into their bedroom.

Meanwhile, Mal and Uma has just broke Ben out of his cell and returned to the speedboat. Before Ben started the engine, he noticed. "Where's Carlos?"he asked, looking towards Jay.
"I couldn't get him... yet again, it's my fault Carlos is gone..."Jay replied, looking away. Tess tugged on Uma's arm.
"Where's Daddy? Is he coming?"she asked. Uma looked at the little girl.
"Yeah,"the pirate replied, "Yeah of course he is, we just need to get him." Mal took charge.
"Okay guys,"the dragon began, "E, you and Uma stay here and look after Tess and Cameron. Ben, you, me and Jay will go and retrieve Carlos. Jay, you're in charge of getting the collar off him while me and Ben take down Harry and any other crew members that come. If we need back-up, we'll call for Uma, however E, you must stay here at all times. You're the best with little kids out of us all."
"Got it M,"Evie replied. The others nodded, and Ben, Mal and Jay carefully climbed back in through the window. Evie glanced at her friends as they disappeared.
"They'll be okay,"Uma reassured. Evie smiled at her girlfriend before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

Meanwhile, Harry was stripping down Carlos' clothes, whispering to him, "You're mine, you always have been and you always will be." The pirate's hand slipped down the puppy boy's belt and tugged it off, before moving onto the pants and underwear. Gently, the jacket came off with the fingerless gloves, shirt, shoes and socks. Carlos was now lying on the bed, stripped and completely vulnerable. Harry stripped himself, before lying on top of Carlos and kissing the puppy boy. As much as the son of Cruella hated this, he didn't want to be hurt anymore. He was sick and tired of being shocked, hit, kicked and cut, bruised and bled, so he just went along with it. Harry ran his fingers through Carlos' soft, white locks, nipping at the younger male's bottom lip. Without warning, the pirate shoved as hard as possible into Carlos. The puppy boy held back a scream, and quickly turned it into a moan. If he screamed, he'd just get hit. "What do you call me?"Harry asked, seductively.
"Daddy..."Carlos whispered in reply, holding back tears. He hated this. He hated being taken advantage of, being used and discarded as soon as his sell by date passed. He hated being weak and vulnerable. Harry's hands roamed Carlos' chest and below, while the son of Cruella lay there, holding back the waterfall of tears threatening to spill, trying to think of a way to make this Hell end. The younger male gently placed his hands on the pirate's chest. After waiting a few seconds, Carlos pushed as hard as possible. He leaped off the bed and dragged on his shirt and pants. Harry got up off the bed, slowly pulling on pants but leaving his shirt alone. He grabbed a button. Oh right. This was why Carlos never disobeyed. The pirate hit the button, sending shock through Carlos' body. The puppy boy screamed in agony, trying to pry the collar off. Harry turned up the setting, grinning as Carlos cried in pain. The setting grew higher and higher. Harry started yelling things at Carlos above the younger male's screams.
"YOU BELONG TO ME AND ONLY ME! YOU KNOW THE PUNISHMENT FOR BEING DISOBEDIENT!" Mal, Ben and Jay shoved the door down, Mal and Ben going for Harry while Jay tried to get the collar off Carlos. The dragon girl pinned the pirate down to the ground, Ben standing above her in case she needed help or someone else came in. Finally, the screams stopped. Everyone's attention went to Carlos and Jay. The son of Jafar was holding the collar in his hand, Carlos cradled in his other arm. The puppy boy was sobbing into his lover's shoulder, clutching Jay's shirt. The olde male was rubbing small circles on the son of Cruella's back, trying to calm him. Carlos' neck was covered in burns.
"It stings so much..."Carlos whispered.
"I know baby, I know,"Jay replied, kissing the younger male's head. Bad move. Harry lost his mind.
"Did you just call my babe, fucking baby!?"he yelled, pushing Mal off him and marching over to the couple. Tears were streaming down Carlos' face, as Mal and Ben tried to tackle Harry. They finally tied the pirate up.
"Okay,"Mal said, out of breath, "Now let's get back to those bitches in the boat."

Was there something I could've said to make I all stop hurting, it kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless so... before you go...


Yay! Updated again! I've almost finished the next chapter anyway, so hopefully I'll be able to get back into a routine or something. Love you all and stay safe! ❤️

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