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Before you go... was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better... If only I had known you were the storm to weather... so... before you go...

Evie gently leaned in and kissed her girlfriend. When she pulled away, Uma was looking her in the eyes. "What happened?"she asked, but the blue-haired girl was too happy to reply. She threw herself at her lover, squealing and embracing her in a tight hug.
"We're True Loves..."she replied, tears in her eyes. Upon hearing Evie squeal, Carlos, Jay, Mal, Ben and the kids came back into the house, Jay with a tied up Harry thrown over his shoulder.
"Can anyone explain what happened?"Uma asked again, looking at her friends.
"This little asshole spelled you,"Mal replied, pointing at Harry.
"Okay... can someone untie me?" Evie quickly undid the knot and hugged her girlfriend again, this time, Uma wrapping her arms around her back. The two shared a sweet moment before Ben cleared his throat and said,"Sorry to ruin this moment, but I think we should take care of him." He nodded at Harry. The girls pulled apart, nodding.
"Maybe we should lock him in the dungeons,"Mal suggested. Ben nodded, smiling. Harry started squirming on Jay's shoulder.
"Let me go! Get off me!"he cried, punching Jay's chest and trying to free himself from the older male's grasp. Jay put him down on the floor, but kept a hand on his shoulder so he couldn't run off. Mal closed her eyes, waving her hand before Harry disappeared, hopefully to the dungeons.
"Will he come back?"Tess asked from behind Carlos. Mal turned to face her.
"No, no he won't. You're safe now,"she replied, looking up at Carlos. He smiled slightly, before turning his attention to Jay, who was talking to Cameron.

A few days later, things were getting better for the friends. They'd found the rest of the crew who kidnapped Carlos and locked them away with Harry. They'd given Cameron and Tess a tour of pretty much all of Auradon while Carlos caught up with his friends. Finally, Carlos and Jay's first anniversary together for twelve years finally came. The son of Jafar took his lover to a fancy restaurant, then to the place they'd had their first date. The Enchanted Lake. Little did Carlos know, Jay had a little surprise up his sleeve. The pair sat at the edge of the stone area, dangling their feet in the water. "This is nice..."Carlos said, smiling,"To be away from the kids and just some... us time..." Jay smiled too.
"Yeah, it is. In fact, I have something else for you,"Jay replied, standing up and holding out his hand to Carlos. The puppy boy took it, and they stood facing each other. "Carlos, I have loved you since I first met you on the Isle. I may not have known it then, but I know it now. And... since I love you so much and we've been together for so long, even though most of it we were apart, I want to do this. I've been planning it for years and... yeah. I want to make you mine forever. Carlos Oscar de Vil..." Jay got down on one knee and held out a gorgeous ring in a little box,"Will you marry me?" Carlos' hand was on his mouth in shock, tears of happiness already spilling from his eyes.
"Yes! Yes of course I'll marry you!"he cried, holding out his hand. Jay quickly stood up and put the ring on his lover's finger before pulling them together for a passionate kiss. The two dragged each other home before collapsing onto their bed, kissing (Jay double checking the door was locked). Carlos slid his hand up Jay's shirt, and the two expressed their love for one another. (Slash I'm too lazy to write smut rn 😂)

Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting... It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless...


To be honest, the last part of the chapter kinda seems like the Epilogue, BUT NO! One more chapter! When that chapter is out, make sure to check my page for my new story! It's called 'The Prince's Puppy' and is Benlos! Yay! Anyway, see you guys in the Epilogue! Love you all! ❤️

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