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I'm trying writing on a computer for this part, so no emojis :(

Carlos tilted his head gently to the side. Jay smiled. Mal and Evie had gone for a walk, talking things over with each other. Ben had taken Tess and Cameron for a walk and mini tour of some parts of Auradon. "Did Lonnie cut her hair?"Carlos asked. Jay looked over at him. The younger male was going through picture of his friends.

"Yeah, she said having long hair just got in the way. I disagree, I just tie it up,"Jay replied, staring longingly at the beautiful boy in front of him.

"Never think of cutting your hair, I like it long. You'd look weird with it short." Carlos ran his fingers through a lock of his boyfriend's hair. The son of Jafar smiled happily. He was so lucky to have such a perfect lover. Someone so kind and caring and handsome.

"Yes sir,"Jay joked, taking Carlos' hand in his own. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I really hope whatever has happened to Uma isn't permanent. It would break Evie's heart and she's such a good friend."

"I'm sure whatever it is, we can fix it. We always can." Carlos took his boyfriend's hand, gently placing the pictures on the table. "You managed to get me back after twelve years of being stuck at sea with Harry and his morons. That's pretty impressive."

"Mm, yeah. Can you tell me more of what it was like?"

"Well... Gil wasn't really very nice to me. He told Harry he thought I was fat and I shouldn't eat. So, Harry stopped giving me food. I was weak and I thought I was gonna die. Of course, Harry needed me for sex, so he started feeding me again. He hit the kids, he hit me, he told me I was useless for anything but sex. He'd force me to make love to him almost ever night. I thought I'd never escape and I'd die on that ship, leaving Cameron and Tess alone to deal with Harry. We went all over the world and they were careful not to go close to Auradon. They said they couldn't risk you guys finding me, so when we needed food, we'd travel to another place and steal." Carlos was close to tears. Jay gently caressed his boyfriend's cheek.

"It's okay baby, you're safe now. You're home,"he reassured, pulling the puppy boy into a tight hug. "Everything's gonna be okay, beautiful."

"I know. I know I'm safe if I'm with you." The two lover's shared a sweet kiss before cuddling on the sofa. Suddenly, the door opened, and they heard sounds of footsteps.

"DADDY DADDY! BEN TOOK US TO GET ICE-CREAM!"Tess yelled, running to Jay and Carlos, who realised their moment was over. Ben flopped onto the sofa beside his friends, sighing.

"Big mistake..."he said, looking over at them. Carlos smiled and laughed slightly. "I ended up buying them three cone's each... Cameron always had chocolate and Tess always had strawberry..."

"Can we go again?! Pleeeease?!"Tess begged,"Can we take Daddy next time? Pleeeese Ben!"

"Yeah yeah, sure..." Ben put a hand over his face and close his eyes. "I almost lost them. Twice." Carlos laughed, pulling Ben into a side hug.

The next morning, Jay woke up to find Carlos gone. Remembering what happened last time, he shot out of bed and started dragging on clothes. "Carlos?!"he was calling. He dashed out to the balcony, looking for his missing boyfriend. Finally, he spotted something on the mountain top he and Carlos walked on when they first got him back. Jay rushed out of the beach house and up to what he saw. A bag. A huge bag, with something very big inside. It looked like a body. Slowly, the son of Jafar went up to the bag and opened it. Inside was an unconscious, tied up Carlos. Quickly, Jay picked up his lover bridal style and carried him inside the house. He gently placed him down on the bed and shook him. "Baby? Babe, wake up." Slowly, the puppy boy's eyes opened.

"What happened?"


Short :( Sorry, but I think I'll make another chapter or two then maybe finish this book. Idk, what're your thoughts? I might start writing a Benlos story, but I know I won't be able to work on both this and that one at the same time, so you'll have to choose. Love you all! <3

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