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Thank you to all those people who said they liked my story, it means so much to me knowing people like my writing. <3 More notes at the end.

Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting, it kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless, so, before you go...

"Someone knocked you unconscious and hid you in a bag on a cliff,"Jay explained, holding Carlos close.

"Oh... do you know who?"the puppy boy asked.

"No... but I'm assuming it was Harry." Carlos nodded slightly.

"Do you think... Uma helped?"the younger male's voice cracked slightly. Jay looked away. The pair talked for a while, before heading downstairs to see the others. Evie was cooking food, what looked like pancakes, Tess and Cameron were attacking Ben with a pillow and Mal was sitting at the kitchen table going through her spell book. Carlos sat down on the sofa and Cameron went over to him and settled down in his lap. Tess, however, continued to torment poor Ben with pillows. Jay sat beside his boyfriend and put his arm around him.

"Do you think it's a spell?"Mal asked.

"What?"Evie questioned, setting a two plates of pancakes down on the table, along with caramel sauce and maple syrup.

"Why Uma's acting weird. Do you think someone put a spell on her?" Mal placed a small slip of paper in the pages of her spell book to act like a bookmark before shutting it. Evie sat beside her best friend.

"Who would've done that though?"

"Harry,"Carlos said from across the room. "While I was there, he kept talking about how Uma had betrayed him and how they could've sailed the world together, creating havoc." Evie and Mal shared a look.

"We have to help her. Where did you send them, M?"Evie asked.

"The dungeons back at home,"Mal replied, opening her spell book again,"However, I can bring them back here, so we can figure this out."

"Yeah, bring them back but... make sure they're both tied up." Evie looked away, before remembering the pancakes. "Oh yeah! Tess, Cam, I make you pancakes!" Both children stopped what they were doing and looked at her with confusion.

"What're pancakes?"Tess asked. Evie beckoned them over, and the kids followed. She showed them the sweet treat.

"These." Tess sniffed them before licking one.

"Ooh, these are nice!"she exclaimed, before sitting beside Evie. Cameron sat opposite and had a much more cautious approach to the food.

"Are they poisoned?"he asked, looking at the blue-haired girl.

"What?"she replied, shocked,"No, of course not! I would never do that!" Cameron frowned slightly, before slowly taking a bite. His eyes lit up as he ate some more. Evie smiled before returning her attention to her friends. Mal had moved to sit by Ben and was showing him something in her spell book, while Jay and Carlos were talking about something. Slowly, she moved her attention to outside. Gentle waves against the rocks at the bottom of a cliff, sandy beaches glistening in the morning sunlight. It was beautiful. If only she had her perfect girlfriend to share it with.

Later that day, Mal had used a spell to bring Uma and Harry to the beach house, both tied up to a chair. Carlos, Tess and Cameron kept their distance, still cautious of the abusive man who hurt them for years. Mal and Evie were sitting right in front of the criminals while Jay and Ben stood behind them, watching their every move. "Okay Harry,"Mal began,"We have some questions we need you to answer, truthfully. Right here,"she held up a gummy,"I have a Truth Gummy. If you lie, I will give it to you. And we will know when you're lying, thanks to a spell. You are very lucky we aren't just giving it to you. Now,"she put the gummy down,"First question. What did you do to Uma?" The pirate remained silent. Uma sat beside him, tape over her mouth. "I'll ask again, what did you do to Uma?" Yet again, Harry kept his mouth shut. "Fine, you leave me no choice." She forced open his mouth and shoved the gummy in. She held it shut until he swallowed. "Now,"she took her hand away,"Last time I'll ask. What did you do to Uma?"

"I spelled her so she would be on my team. She betrayed me, leaving me and the crew behind. Love is weak and useless,"he finally admitted.

"How do we undo the spell?"

"The way you undo any spell. True Love's kiss." Everybody in the room, apart from Harry and Uma, looked at Evie. She looked at the ground. Mal removed the tape from Uma's mouth.

"Should we leave you alone?"she asked, beginning to stand up. Evie nodded. Mal and the others left, Ben and Jay dragging Harry outside with them. Uma didn't look up. Slowly, Evie leaned in, and gently kissed her girlfriend...

Would we be better off by now, if I'd let my walls come down, maybe I guess we'll never know, you know, you know...


Haha! Cliffhanger! Anyway, I forgot to do the lyrics for the last chapter, so I did double this time :) The song is at the top of the chapter. I think there will be one more chapter, then the Epilogue. I'll be starting a new book soon, so watch out for it! Love you all! <3

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