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So... before you go...

Evie was talking to Carlos about the jacket from earlier while Uma and Ben were chatting about god knows what. Mal spotted a look of worry on Jay's face. "Hey Jay, what's wrong?"she asked quietly, so the others couldn't hear.
"Nothing just... thinking..."he replied, not looking up at Mal.
"None of your business, nosy." Mal grinned. She loved knowing her friends thoughts, making her very nosy. She'd eavesdrop on her friends' conversations just to know what's going on. Most of the time it's nothing important, just Evie bragging about this 'perfect' design or Jay and Ben talking about Tourney. But sometimes, very rarely, it's be something juicy, like if her friends are back talking her. But it's always okay in the end.

Later that evening, Uma had just gotten into bed beside Evie when an overwhelming feeling came over her. A smile crossed her face. Evie mistook this smile for a genuine, happy smile, but oh boy was she wrong. Tess and Cameron settled down in the spare room, Mal and Ben cuddling together in their room, leaving Jay and Carlos downstairs. They'd just finished packing away the barbecue items, and were about to head upstairs, when they were stopped. Carlos was looking out of the window and spotted someone, standing alone on the beach. They were staring out into the distance. Carlos noticed a hook. "Let's lock up and go to bed,"he quickly stated, not giving Jay anytime to reply before he started locking windows and doors and rushing upstairs to their bedroom. When Jay finally caught you with Carlos, he asked,"What's wrong? Did you see something?"
"I saw someone,"Carlos replied, a bitter tone in his voice,"Harry." Jay pulled his lover in closer. He wasn't losing Carlos again. Not to that hook obsessed bitch. Not to anyone.
"Cmon, let's go upstairs, I promise I won't let go of you..."Jay reassured. Carlos smiled at him. The pair changed into pyjamas. Well, Jay in sweatpants and no shirt, Carlos in Jay's hoodie and really short shorts. The younger male curled up into his boyfriends side, trying to forget seeing Harry out there. All the things that'd happened to him, the beatings, the sex, everything. He took a deep breath. Jay pulled him in closer and whispered, "It'll be okay, he isn't going anywhere near you baby..." Carlos smiled.
"I know... I love you..."
"I love you too..." The two lay there, looking into each other's eyes, lost in the moment. Jay cupped Carlos' cheek and planted a small kiss on his boyfriend's lips. The younger male smiled, snuggling further into Jay's chest. The older male wrapped his arms around Carlos' waist, pulling the two together. Eventually, they both fell asleep.

At 6:00am the next morning, Jay was awoken by the sound of grunting. He looked over at the glass door leading to their balcony. A figure had just finished climbing up. It's fine, he thought, the doors locked, they can't get in. His heart dropped when a figure inside the room walked over and unlocked it. The person outside came in and started moving towards the bed. They didn't seem to notice Jay's open eyes. The person walked right over to the bed before slowly trying to grab Carlos and drag him out the bed. Jay jumped up and grabbed the arm of the figure, awakening Carlos in the process. The smaller male whimpered in fear before hiding behind Jay. "Who are you?!"the older male asked, demandingly. The figure laughed manically before revealing them self. "Harry!?"
"Yep! Hehe, I'm here to take back what is rightfully mine!"Harry grinned, looking at Carlos. The poor boy was shaking, gripping Jay's arm.
"And who are you?!"Jay asked again, looking at the other person.
"Oh, that's Uma!"Harry cried, walking back to Uma.

Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better...


A short one. I'm sowwy 🥺 I've been working on my Descendants one shots a lot recently, and I think I'll be writing those instead of this for a bit. Maybe next week I'll continue writing this. Expect the next chapter in a few days I guess. I'll happily take any ideas for the one shots or ship ideas! Love you all! ❤️

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