Part 15

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Everything that happened after he walked out of Pluem's room was a blur for Chimon. He can just vaguely remember Frank shouting at Pluem and following him outside the house. Chimon was so distraught he couldn't say no when Frank volunteered to drive him home. He couldn't also figure out how he got inside the condo. He felt numb with anger and disappointment. The only thing that cut through the numbness was pain.

Pluem on the other hand, even with the alcohol remember everything clearly. After Chimon walked out, he heard Frank shout at him, "What the hell, Kuya Pluem! How could you do this?"

Then it was Tommy's turn to yell at him, "Who's that guy? Why did Frank get so mad?"

"It's Chimon, my boyfriend," Pluem answered without any emotion.

"Fuck you, Pluem," Tommy said. "Why would you kiss me like that if you have a boyfriend? I feel terrible. This is on you. Do better. Don't bother talking to me again."

Pluem didn't even have the energy to answer back. He just stood there, tears running down his face.

Neither Chimon nor Pluem could sleep that night. Both were in pain, one with disappointment, the other with guilt.

Chimon, even in his raging anger at Pluem, was expecting some kind of apology from him. He wanted the satisfaction of blocking his number and blocking him on all of his social media accounts. But he received nothing. No text, no call, no nothing. He then realized Pluem must be too shocked at what happened. His conscience must be eating him, he thought. And he deserved it. But fuck it, not even a call? Is he for real?


Day 1

The next day also passed by like a blur for Chimon. He was thankful that Drake didn't bring up what happened and only asked if he was okay during breakfast. He said he was good. And he tried to be. He was able to push through the day without crying. However, he knew the nights were gonna be a lot more difficult.

He was absentmindedly opening the door on their condo when he noticed a bouquet of flowers on the floor. He picked it up and went inside. He was about to throw the flowers into the trash bin when he noticed a folded piece of paper inserted among the blue roses. He threw away the flowers but kept the letter.

During dinner, Drake asked him if he decided to forego the Australia opportunity because of Pluem. "Because I won't stop you if you decide to go. Forget him. Focus on your family."

Chimon said, "Yes he was an important factor in me choosing to stay here but it's not just him. I'm an only child. If I leave the country, who will take care of my parents in case of emergencies? Also, my current job will allow me to be able to still provide a good life for my parents. It won't be as easy nor as fast compared to if I would work in Australia but it's possible. Besides, the people I love are here. Not just Pluem and my parents. You too. Who else will watch your games early in the morning? Or call your parents if you do stupid things? Haha."

Drake was satisfied with his answer, "Good. I just don't want you to forget your dream of working abroad just because of a cheating asshole. God, I so want to punch his smug face."

Chimon responded, "Working abroad wasn't my dream. It was just one of the means that I could make my real dream a reality, which is providing a good life for my family. And don't even think of looking for Pluem and punching him. He cheated on me but he didn't do anything wrong to you."


After dinner, Chimon had ran out of things to distract him.

He reluctantly picked up the letter and read what was written on it.

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