Part 13

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It was Friday night, December 23, when Pluem brought Chimon to their home. He wanted to formally introduce Chimon to his family as his boyfriend. Chimon, as expected, was difficult to convince at first. Not only was this his first relationship, he hasn't openly talked to his own parents about his sexuality yet. He knew the Vihokratanas are open-minded and all but being a realist, he understood that there might be some apprehensions due to their class difference. However, he decided in the end that it was a sign of Pluem's respect to him to have the guts to introduce him to his family so he agreed in the end.

The whole family was already seated at the dinner table when the two entered: Tay, New, Frank, Nanon and Nina. The younger helpers have gone home to their families for the holidays.

Pluem: Hi guys. You know Chimon, right?

New: Of course! Hello there Chimon, come sit. How is your father?

Chimon: He's okay now Doc.

Tay: It's nice of you to come visit us. Nanay Nina has missed you. She has been talking to me about you since I came back.

Chimon: Thanks, Sir Tay. Hi Nanay Nina.

Pluem: Actually he's not just here for dinner.

The entire family suddenly stopped moving around and paid closer attention to Pluem. Chimon saw Frank and Nanon smiling encouragingly at him.

Pluem: Frank and Nanon already know but Dads, Nanay, Chimon is now my boyfriend.

Chimon wasn't prepared for the reaction of the people around him. Tay, New and Nina all stood up and gave him a hug. He was teary eyed with the warmth that he was receiving from people he didn't even know that well. He expected much less enthusiasm from them.

Chimon: Thank you Doc, Sir Tay, Nanay Nina.

Tay: Hey, you're already calling Nina Nanay. You might as well call us Tito. (Tito is a Filipino term used to call older male relatives/friends. Similar to the English word "uncle" but is often not limited to relatives.)

New: Yes, Chimon. And since you're here, consider this your formal invitation to our family Christmas dinner tomorrow night.

Chimon: Yes Tito, thank you.

Tay: You know what this means, New.

New: More shopping tomorrow?

Tay: You know me well, love.

The two fathers winked at each other.

Nanon: Dads!

Tay: What? Chimon here will have to get used to seeing us like this.

New: Yeah what's wrong with expressing our feelings, Nanon?

Nanon just rolled his eyes.

After dinner, Chimon volunteered to help Nanay Nina with the dishes.

Nina: I am so happy for you and Pluem, son.

Chimon: Thanks nanay. I am very grateful that you were all so nice to me earlier.

Nina: Of course! I may not have known you for a long time but I am a good judge of character.Chimon: Nanay, do you think I'm good enough for Pluem? I mean they are a rich family after all and you said yourself that Pluem's ex was also from a rich family. I'm worried that Sir Tay and Doc New might think I only like Pluem for his money.

Nina stopped what she was doing and looked Chimon in the eyes.

Nina: Hey, stop thinking like that. I have known the Vihokratanas for so long and I have never felt the smallest bit of elitism from them. They are one of the most humble and kind people I know. Plus, you're not a pushover yourself. You're a professional. You were able to finish your studies despite your financial limitations. I'm sure they're more than happy to have someone like you loving their eldest son.

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