Part 8

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The next morning, Chimon was just done cleaning Pluem's wound when his cellphone rang. He looked at Pluem and excused himself to take the call. It was his mother. Again.

Chimon went inside Pluem's restroom for privacy.

Chimon: Hello, ma?

Anna: Chimon, you have to come home now.

Chimon: Huh? What happened ma?

Anna: Your father was drunk at around 4am today and he drove his tricycle into a ditch. Don't worry. He's okay now. Just a few scratches and some bruises but he's still groggy and the doctor's aren't sure if it's because he's still drunk or if he hit his head on something. He's asleep now and we're at the district hospital.

Chimon: Ok, ma. I will just settle some things here and I'll go home immediately. Please keep me updated about Pa's status.

Pluem didn't mean to but he heard Chimon sobbing inside the restroom. He slowly walked towards the door and knocked.

Pluem: Everything okay, Chimon?

Chimon didn't respond and was positively crying so Pluem opened the door. He saw Chimon standing in front of the sink washing his face.

Chimon: I'm not crying. I just washed my face.

Pluem: Ok. What happened?

Chimon: My mom called. My father got into an accident and is now in the hospital back in our province. She's asking me to go home.

Pluem: Ok. Well then go. I'll be fine. I'll tell dad.

Chimon: No. I won't go. I'm too tired of this. This is not the first time this happened. Everytime I save up some money, something always happens and I end up back in debt. It's always my father. Either he loses money in gambling or gets in an accident and I end up having to pay for everything. I'm 22 now and I haven't even experienced riding an airplane or having any investment. No savings too. I am so tired of this. I sometimes starve myself or walk my way home just to save money but it all goes to waste in the end. I am too tired of this Pluem.

This time, Pluem was sure he wanted hug Chimon. He held him tight for a few minutes and didn't let go until he felt Chimon stop crying.

"Let's go sit for a while," Pluem said. He then grabbed Chimon's hand and led him to the sofa. He also took a bottled water from his fridge and gave it to Chimon. "Here, drink this."

Chimon slowly took the bottle and drank a few gulps. He then let out a deep sigh and said, "I'm so sorry Pluem. I'm not normally like this."

"It's all right," Pluem reassured him. "You can be anyone you want when you're with me. You can feel whatever you want to feel."

Chimon looked at him with such longing eyes that Pluem had to stop himself or he would have kissed him.

"You should go see your parents," Pluem said. "Do it for your mother. She needs you there right now."

"But I have not even finished my 5-day shift here. I still owe you money. This is downright embarrassing," Chimon said.

"Sshhh, don't think about that. Just focus on your family for now, ok? Go prepare your things and I'll call dad."

Chimon finally agreed and went back to the guest room.

Pluem just finished a long conversation with New when Chimon came back with a big backpack and a small paperbag.

Pluem: Hey, that was fast. Let me book you a grabcar.

Chimon: Thanks. It was easy to pack since I have very few stuff.

Pluem: I already talked to daddy New. He said you should indeed go home to your family. He said you should forget about the contract and just focus on taking care of your father. He also told me to give you the complete pay for your contract. So there, you don't owe me money anymore, ok?

Chimon was quiet and couldn't look at Pluem's eyes.

Pluem approached him. "Hey, it's gonna be OK. Just focus on your family."

Chimon didn't respond but he slowly brought something from the paper bag that he was holding. It was a small box with a transparent cover. Inside was a black rope bracelet with a crescent moon charm.

Chimon finally looked Pluem in the eyes. "Yesterday, while Nanon and I were checking out things at the bookstore, I saw this and I immediately remembered you. It's cheap and all but I thought this would be a good remembrance to give you when I leave on Friday. But it seems this will be my last day seeing you so I'm giving it to you now."

Pluem accepted Chimon's gift and said, "Chimon, this is beautiful. Thank you so much!"

Chimon just smiled sadly. He slowly turned to leave but Pluem grabbed his arm.

Pluem said, "I hope you don't hate me for what I'm about to do but this might be the last time I see you so.."

Chimon was confused. "What are you gonna do?"

Pluem, with such fierce eyes, responded, "This." Then he grabbed Chimon's shoulders and kissed him.

Chimon was frozen in shock. He desperately wanted to kiss Pluem back but he couldn't move for some reason. He was caught in a mix of exhilaration and sadness.

They were in that position for a few seconds when Pluem's phone beeped.

"Your grab car is here," he said.

He then let go of Chimon's shoulder and watch him leave. He collapsed in his bed, lost in his thoughts, heart beating like crazy.

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