Part 12

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It was Tuesday afternoon and Pluem just got home after visiting one of their properties in Ortigas when he received an unexpected call from Drake.

Pluem: Hey, Drake. What's up?

Drake: Hello Pluem. Chimon doesn't know I'm calling you right now but he got sent home from work today because he was feverish. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone back to the condo to get my stuff. Apparently, he walked under the rain yesterday on the way back to the condo from the main street just because he wanted to save money. You know him.

Pluem: What the.. Is he ok?

Drake: I don't know. He sounded kinda weak. Well, I'm calling you because I won't be sleeping at the condo today since we're going to Baguio for a 1-day tournament. Anyway, will you be able to check on him? I mean, no pressure. I can just call him every now and then but-

Pluem: Don't worry. I'm going there now.

Drake: All right. Thank you. Bye now.

Pluem: Good luck on your tournament. And oh, will Frank's team be there too? He didn't tell me anything about going to Baguio.

Drake: I don't think so. His school doesn't usually participate in small tournaments like this.

Pluem: Ok. Thanks. Be safe. Bye.


Pluem immediately got ready to go see Chimon but while changing his clothes, he heard his phone ring. It was an unknown number so he answered nonchalantly. When he heard the voice on the other line, he froze. It was Tommy.

Tommy: Hey, guess who's back?

Pluem: Err, hey.

Tommy: Come on. Don't be a stranger. I just arrived at the airport. Can you come pick me up, please? I'll wait for you at a café. I missed you.

Pluem: Uhm..

Tommy: Come on Pluem. Please? I came home alone. And I'll be staying in a hotel since we no longer have a place here.

Pluem: But I-

Tommy: For old times' sake? I really need someone right now. Please.

Pluem sighed. "Ok, which terminal are you in?"


There was heavy traffic going to the airport so it took Pluem almost an hour just to get there. After meeting Tommy and an awkward hug, they went directly to the hotel where Tommy was going to stay. The drive was long and uncomfortably quiet. While Tommy tried his best to make small talk, he felt that Pluem was distracted and had other things on his mind. By the time they got to the hotel, it was already dark.

Pluem excused himself after helping Tommy get settled in his hotel room.

Tommy: Hey, what's with the rush?

Pluem: Sorry, I have something to do.

Tommy: Can't you at least join me for dinner? Please?

Pluem agreed but made a mental note to leave asap. He needed to see Chimon.

During dinner, Pluem was unsure if it was the wine or if it was Tommy bringing back memories he has long kept hidden in the deepest part of his brain, but he forgot about Chimon for a moment. He began to relax and started opening up to Tommy again.

Tommy noticed this and was observing his ex's actions. Pluem was finally becoming warmer to him with every sip of wine so he invited him to the hotel bar to have more drinks.

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