Part 6

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At 3:50pm, Chimon prepared to check on Pluem. He decided to just be civil and formal to him. "Like any other patient, no special feelings," he reminded himself as he knocked on the door. "Don't let him make you smile like a child once more."

He was prepared to deal with a quiet and cold Pluem again. And that was okay. He's going to be the same towards him as well.

However, upon entering Pluem's room, his plans went away.

Pluem was looking at him eye to eye and said, "I would like to be as kind as you."

Chimon was confused. "What?" he asked.

Pluem answered with a serious face, "You were asking me earlier what is the one thing I would like to change about myself. That's my answer. I would love to be as kind as you."

Chimon felt that familiar warm feeling he felt when he first saw Pluem laugh. "You're falling for his cuteness again," he thought. He ignored what Pluem said and started preparing his medications.

He placed all capsules in a small cup and handed them to Pluem. "Here, take these," he said while holding a glass of water on the other hand.

Pluem was adamant. "No, I won't take my medications unless you smile for me."

Chimon wasn't aware that he was frowning this whole time. He gave Pluem a stern look and said, "Please. Take these now so I can leave right away."

"No. And I want you to stay with me for a while. I want to continue our game earlier," Pluem was now teasing him with a mischievous smile.

"You look cuter when you smile. Frowning fits me better, I think. But you, you should keep on smiling. Makes your eyes disappear."

Chimon almost dropped the glass he was holding. He could feel his face getting warm.

"All right, all right. I'll take these now," Pluem said finally while taking both the medicine cup and glass of water from Chimon. He then placed both at the trolley.

"There, I've taken my meds. Can we go back to the game now?" he asked with puppy eyes.

"But I might say something that might offend you again," he said while looking down.

"Aww. You're so cute I wanna hug you right now," said Pluem.

Chimon whispered, "then do it!"

"What?" Pluem said. "I heard you say something. Fine, fine, I'm sorry. I apologize for being a sensitive loser. I won't force you to do anything now." He sounded quite disappointed.

Chimon was quiet for a while then he sat at the chair beside Pluem's bed. He brought out his phone and seemed to be looking for something. After some time, he said, "Ok. Next question. What's something that is ordinary for other people but is very special to you?"

He finally gathered enough courage to look at Pluem in the eyes. He was not disappointed. Pluem was looking as cute as ever having a big smile on. But Chimon immediately looked away after their eyes met.

Pluem answered, "Hmm. The moon I guess. Most people don't even notice it except when there's a full moon or eclipse or something. You see, when I was a child, my dads and I would lie on our garden and watch the sky, the moon especially. I felt so happy, and safe and peaceful during those times. So until today, whenever I'm stressed or troubled, I just look at the moon and I feel relaxed and calm again."

Chimon then realized why Pluem's room was dark blue. It was like the night sky. Then he began to see the multiple moon decors here and there. There was even a painting of the night sky above Pluem's headboard.

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