Part 10

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Since the drive to Chimon's home province was northbound and the Vihokratana's house was along the way, Drake offered to pick him up. They were travelling early to avoid traffic so Drake was at the Vihokratana's by 6am. Pluem invited him in for breakfast.

Upon reaching the dining room, Drake was surprised to see Frank and Nanon also there eating breakfast. But if there was one person who was more surprised at that time, it was Frank. He came home late last night due to a school project and wasn't able to talk to Pluem. He totally forgot about his older brother contacting Drake.

Nanon winked at Frank. The youngest Vihokratana was really enjoying his older brother. He knows Frank has had a huge crush on Drake for almost a year now.

Pluem: Drake here is driving to Pampanga to visit Chimon so i thought I'll go with him.

Frank and Nanon looked at each other then almost spoke at the same time.

Nanon: But kuya, how about your wound? Isn't that unsafe?

Frank: Are you sure you'll be ok? Isn't it too early for you to be going on a long drive?

Drake felt the tension in the room. These brothers are quite protective, he thought.

Pluem: I'm ok. Besides, our daddies both agreed. Come on Drake, sit down. Eat a lot since you'll be driving.

Frank: Kuya can I-

Pluem: Don't even finish that sentence Frank. You're staying here. You have to watch over baby Nanon.

Nanon: Kuya, Drake's here. It's embarrassing.

They all laughed.

Drake: So Nanon, it must be fun to have 2 older brothers huh. I hope Frank's not giving you a hard time.

Nanon: It's not fun at all, kuya. They're both very strict. They think I'm an 8-year old child when in fact I'm already 18. Sometimes, Kuya Frank is even more controlling than Kuya Pluem. He even checks on me from time to time even if he's studying in another university. Don't deny that Kuya Frank. I saw your car several times in my campus already.

Frank: That's not true. I'm a cool big brother. And you think you're that special for me to drive to your campus just to spy on you? You're dreaming.

Nanon: Whatever, kuya. Next time, if you're gonna spy on me, at least borrow someone else's car so it won't be that obvious.

Pluem: Nanon's right though, Frank. I'm lucky I was born before you. Or else I would also be at your mercy.

Frank: So you two are ganging up against me now, huh.

Drake: Haha. It's cool Frank. It just means you really care for your brothers. I'd be happy to have a brother like you.

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