Part 3

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Chimon practically had nothing else to do for the rest of the day until his shift ended at 8pm. He remembered what Dr. New told him, "I'm sorry if you]ll feel like you're not really doing anything for Pluem. Honestly, I just want someone knowledgeable to be with him while he recovers."

At around 7pm, Nina invited him for dinner. It was just him, Nina, Frank, Nanon and two other helpers. Tay Vihokratana was out of the country and Dr. New had a dinner with colleagues and will be home by 8:30. Pluem said he will eat with Dr. New when the latter gets home.

Frank: So kuya Chimon, congratulations!

Nanon: Yeah! You must have a really strong heart to survive a day with kuya.

Nina and the other helpers laughed.

Chimon: It wasn't so bad. Besides, I didn't really spend too much time with him.

Frank: Well it's the first time that a nurse lasted the whole day so that's still an achievement. Oh wait, you didn't kill him did you?

Nanon: Right, kuya Pluem is still alive right?

Now everyone was laughing.

Chimon: Yep. I think so. Oh, Frank, you play for ADMU men's voolleyball team, right?

Frank: Yes kuya. We were champions last year!

Chimon: I know, and congratulations for being the MVP.

Nanon: Well, he wouldn't be the MVP if Drake of UST didn't get injured.

Frank: Shut up Nanon. Hahaha.

Chimon: So what do you think about Drake?

Frank: He's all right. He doesn't trashtalk as much as his teammates and seems to be a good guy.

Nanon: LOL. Just say you have a huge crush on him and go.

Frank: Nanon, would you like our dads to know about your little Twitter account?

Nanon: Hey that's overkill.

Frank: Well shut up then. By the way, why did you ask about Drake, kuya Chimon?

Chimon: Well he's my bestfriend and we live in the same condo so..

Frank's face turned red while Nanon couldn't control his laughter.

Nanon: I have a feeling kuya Frank will have a lot of questions for you kuya Chimon. Hahaha

Frank: Nanon stop!

Chimon enjoyed the rest of the dinner while talking to the two siblings. Unlike Pluem, Frank and Nanon seemed to be really warm and friendly. Frank is the typical Ateneo kid with the accent and all while Nanon seemed to be more simple and easy going.

At 7:45, he went back to Pluem's room to say goodbye for the day.

Thiis time, the door was open and Pluem was sitting, waiting for him.

Chimon was about to say goodbye when Pluem suddenly spoke.

Pluem: You have your phone right? Take note of my phone number. Text me your account details so I can transfer your salary for today.

Chimon: All right. Is everything fine? Can I help you with anything before I go?

Pleum: Nope. I'm fine. Don't forget to text me your account number. You can go.

Chimon: Sure. All right.. Err. Bye. See you tomorrow.

Pleum didn't even respond and started playing on his phone.


Chimon was already walking the few hundred meters towards the gate of the subdivision when it started to rain. He had no umbrella so he stood under one of the trees along the road. It wasn't long before a car stopped and when the window was lowered, Pluem saw it was Dr. New.

Dr. New: Chimon! What are you doing there? Get inside the car.

Chimon obliged thankfully.

Chimon: Thanks doc. I was walking towards the subdivision gate when it started raining. I didn't have an umbrella so i planned to just wait it out here.

Dr. New: Why don't you get a grab or taxi?

Chimon: That's expensive Doc. I'm staying in BGC and it's still rush hour on a Monday so..

Dr. New: C'mon kid. Don't be too hard on yourself. You're still single right?

Chimon: But I am supporting my parents back in the province Doc. My taxi fare could already buy a few days worth of my parents' maintenance drugs.

Dr. New: Aww. Now you're making me feel bad. What time will you reach home then if you commute?

Chimon: I'll be home before midnight doc.

Dr.New: And how early do you have to wake up in order to be at our house before 8am?

Chimon: I'll have to be awake at 5am, Doc. i don't want to take a chance with the traffic.

Dr. New: Ok. Here's a solution to that. Tomorrow, bring with you enough clothes to last until Friday. I think Pluem will be well enough by then. Don't say no. It's just for four days and you'll be staying in one of the guest rooms so you'll have your private space. You don't have to go out of your room outside your shift.

Chimon: Doc..

Dr. New: Just agree please. And here's 1000 pesos. This should be enough for a taxi or grab to BGC.

Chimon: Doc..

Dr. New: That's the least I can do for you. You survived a day with my son so you deserve it. C'mon book a grabcar now so you'll have adequate sleep later.

Chimon just smiled, thanked the doctor and did what he was told.

Not too long, his grab driver arrived and he said goodbye to the doctor. After getting in the car, he remembered what Pluem asked him to do so texted him his account number.

A few moments later, he received a notification: "36,000 pesos has been transferred to your account from account number: 09XXXXXXXXX."

Chimon froze. So Pluem was awake earlier. And he just gave him 30,000 pesos. 

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