Part 11

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Exactly 11 days have passed since Pluem last saw Chimon. He was becoming more and more anxious. They did communicate frequently through Facebook messenger and video calls but it wasn't enough for Pluem. He wanted to see and hug Chimon so bad that it started to hurt. But he had to remind himself constantly that he should not pressure Chimon too much since they're basically just still getting to know each other.

Physically, he was feeling great, almost back to normal. His surgical wound was healing much faster than expected and he had started his usual routines again. His time was split between inspecting their family's rental properties and checking out new projects to invest in. Before, he would have taken his business for granted. But knowing what Chimon was going through, struggling to find work with barely any money, he has become more grateful than ever for his family's financial status.

Chimon has made him see the world from a different viewpoint, Pluem thought. He finally understood where Nanon was coming from every time his younger brother would talk about poverty and social injustice. He continued to discover everyday how much privilege he has and how other people are deprived of those privileges. He did not have to look far for examples. Within the LGBT community alone, he realized that so many young gay boys and girls have to forget about expressing their sexuality just because there were more important things to deal with, like food and housing. And he thought his life was hard.

It was already December and Pluem could feel the Christmas spirit with his house fully decked in Christmas decors and with Christmas lights everywhere he looked. Last night, the entire family including Nina and the other helpers all helped put up and decorate their 7-foot tall Christmas tree. It was a yearly tradition in the Vihokratana household. Pluem had a lot of fun as always but he wished Chimon was there too.

He was lost in these thoughts when his phone rang. It was Chimon.

Pluem: Hey babe.

Chimon: I'm not your babe.

Pluem: Yet.

Chimon: Whatever. You busy today?

Pluem: Nope.

Chimon: Wanna hangout?

Pluem: Err.. Sure. I'll drive there right now. I just have to tell my dads.

Chimon: Why do you have to ask permission? It's just a 30-minute drive.

Pluem: 30 minutes, what? I can drive fast but not that fast. Your hometown is 2-3 hours away.

Chimon: LOL. Who told you I was in Pampanga? I'm back here in Drake's condo. I finally got a job and I'm starting on Monday so.. Anyway, I'm cooking chicken pastel for lunch. You can come if you want.

Pluem: Oh my God. I'll be there before you know it.

Chimon could hear him rushing to change clothes.

Chimon: Hey no need to hurry. Drive safely, ok? I'm not going anywhere.

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