Part 5

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Even after sitting for a while, Chimon's heart was still racing. "What is this feeling all about?" he asked himself. He tried to recall what went on inside Pluem's room and all he could remember was his patient's smiling face. "Why does he have to so cute?" Chimon was getting annoyed at himself. He remembered thinking Pluem was cute when they first met yesterday but now he was positively crushing on him. "For what reason? So he has a cute face and a hot body. That's not enough reason to like someone, Chimon," he reminded himself.

His thoughts were interrupted when the phone at the library rang. It was Nina.

Nina: Hi Chimon. Are you busy?

Chimon: Nope, nanay. I'm not doing anything at the moment.

Nina: That's perfect. I'm sorry I wasn't able to entertain you too much yesterday. I was too busy with the weekly groceries and helping the other girls with the laundry.

Chimon: It's okay, nanay.

Nina: Why don't you come down to the kitchen? I'm preparing fruit salad for you and Pluem later. We can talk for a while. I don't want you getting bored up there.

Chimon: All right, nanay. I'm coming.

When Chimon reached the kitchen, Nina was already done preparing the salad and had already left it in the fridge to chill. She was peeling some apples.

Nina: Oh good, you're here. Let's eat some apples while waiting for the salad to get chilled.

Chimon: Thanks, nanay.

Nina: So, how was Pluem earlier today? Is he any better?

Chimon: He's doing well nanay. No complications so far. He's very lucky that no organ was hit by the bullet. He'll be okay soon. He's on oral medications now so I have less to do.

Nina: Good, good. But that's not what I meant. How is he treating you?

Chimon: Oh. That. Hmm. He's nicer today, I guess. I think I made him laugh earlier. I mean I didn't mean to but-

Nina: You made him laugh? Oh my god! That makes me so happy. My baby Pluem laughed? Haha.

Chimon: Yep, nanay. Why?

Nina: That boy rarely laughs. Aside from his brothers and sometimes his parents and I, no one makes him laugh at all. Let me show you something.

Nina brought out her phone and started showing photos of Pluem when he was a kid. He always had a really big smile and was often laughing. Then Nina clicked on Pluem's Facebook and Instagram photos.

Nina: See? He was a very cheerful kid. But when he started growing up, he also became more and more serious. Now he rarely smiles in photos. He also has trouble building friendships because he always looks mad. It became worse when Tommy left a year ago.

Chimon: Who's Tommy?

Nina: Oh, Tommy is Pluem's ex. They were together for two years but his parents migrated to the US and they brought him with them.

Chimon blushed. He did not expect to be given such personal information about Pluem.

Nina: I know what you're thinking. Yes. Pluem is gay. So is Frank. But it's not a secret or anything. They are amazing people and I will fight anyone who says anything bad about them just because of their sexuality. As you can expect, Tay and New are very open-minded and they have done a wonderful job of raising their boys. Nanon is the only straight guy among the siblings but he is not homophobic. In fact, he often got into fights back in high school whenever other students would tease his brothers. Just thinking of their love for one another makes my heart flutter. Pluem and Frank are very open about their relationships. And Tommy had to court both Frank and Nanon before Pluem agreed to date him. Oh, Tommy. I kinda miss that boy.

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