Listen to Your Heart

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She's leaving.

She's really leaving.

There's nothing left for her here now. The First Order has been defeated, again. They did what they had set out to do.

But in the process, they lost each other.

Rey feels used. Ben had used her last night. She can't stay here. She can't be his whore again.

She goes back to her room to change just as Ben shows up to say goodbye to the girls.

Chewie will take them home and then return. Ben had insisted on the girls and Rey taking his ship. The Falcon is like home for the girls, just as it was for him as a child.

Ben watches Chewie load up the Falcon. He pulls Chewie to the side.

"Chewie, I don't have enough words. Thank you for going with her. I wish it was me. I trust you with my family"

Chewie moans. He hates this.

Ben's heart hurts.

It is past sundown. Rey had decided to travel after the girls fell asleep. It would be hard to co-pilot with them running around. 

Ben carries each girl and passes both to Chewie. He can't bring himself to go onto the ship.

Ben kisses each on the forehead as Chewie carries them onboard.

"I promise I'll see you soon. Be good girls. I promise it won't be long I'll see you" 

He has to walk away. As he does, his tears flow. This is pure hell.

Rey returns.

She is wearing her old clothes, the ones he hates. He's so pissed at her subtle message. 

But it gives him an idea.

"Rey I need to get something off the ship. Give me a second? Can you do that?" 

"Yeah, hurry up Ben" she says and walks off. He goes onboard and grabs Chewie.

"Chewie, help me look for something, hurry"

He goes to find his sweater in her things. The one with the hole.

He finds it in her trunk. The fact that she was taking it with her gives him a bit of hope. Maybe she's not quite ready to let go of him after all.

He snatches it and pulls off his jacket and his black shirt, tossing them to the side.

He puts it on.  He goes to search for a black tunic, Kylo's tunic. He'd kept it on the falcon where she couldn't find it. She'd throw it away. Oh wait, he still has his pants from that day and his old boots too. And the belt.

She wants to dress like her old self, he can play that game too. But with a twist. 

He puts the black tunic over it, looking all-for-the-world like Kylo Ren. He goes back down the ramp and casually leans against the ship. 

Chewie shakes his head and goes back up the ramp. These Solos make him tired.

She comes around the corner, sees him and cannot believe it. He's dressed like Kylo! That old tunic! 

Ugh, he's a pain in the ass. But damn, she forgot that she sorta had the hots for Ren. The man is too damn fine. Dammit! 

She walks past him, steadying her breath, throwing up a thicker wall so he can't feel how he just made her heart skip. 

Rey......Rey......stop ignoring me Rey.....

It's the first time he's reached out to her in months. At first he'd tried all day and all night. Then just when he saw her. Then just at night. Then he just gave up. 

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