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"Swing up like this but when you do, you must remember your stance, Zorii. Keep your feet planted but don't lock your knees. And watch your elbows, remember? Never lock them into place. Your opponent's hit should be felt in your muscles, never your elbows, okay?"

"Alright, alright, let's go again"

Rey swings upward, striking hard then bends to strike down.

"Good! Much better. Whew, hold on"

She reaches for her water, sitting down. Sweat pours off of her face. Zorii grabs a cloth and tosses it. 

"Should you go check on Jannah?"

"Yeah, I guess I should. Those two wear me out"

"So this is a normal thing? Them fighting?"

"Oh yeah, honestly I don't understand why they stay together. I don't know why two people would exhaust so much energy"

Rey smiles.

Zorii watches her smile, perplexed.

"What?" She asks Rey "what?"

Rey looks down, her smile growing, "It's, um, complicated. I get it. It's like, the energy is….redirected. Like, it's a passion play. He makes her so angry but the anger rolls into….passion. Fire. Then it rolls into...perplexity. Then love. Like, a fire that grows hotter then deeper….I don't I said….complicated"

Zorii looks off past Rey's shoulder.

"Yes, I get that. Maker knows Poe and I fought horribly. But then there's the making up" she adds with a grin, wiggling her brows.

Rey laughs at her friend. "You really do talk about sex constantly!!"

"Yeah and I'm noticing you blush less and less when I do! I'll get your secrets yet Rey Solo!"

"No no, I don't kiss and tell." Rey smiles.

"I don't want to hear about kissing I want to hear about the rest!" Zorri winks. 

"Oh you!" Rey does blush this time."Get up and let me kick your ass!"


Rey sits across from Poe, tears welling in her eyes.

"More? So we took those back and he just snatches more to replace them? Oh no Poe. What about the parents? Did he kill them?"

"I'm afraid many bodies were found, Rey. No way to know if the bodies are the parents. I suspect so, though"

Rey can't stop herself. She covers her face and weeps.

A warmth wraps around her. 

Go back to your quarters….I'll be there….

Rey stands up. "I need to be alone Poe. We will talk strategy tomorrow, okay?"

Poe stands and hugs her gently. "I understand. Give some thought to it, okay?"

She nods and turns. Right as she gets to his door Poe calls out to her. She looks over her shoulder. 

"Tell 'the tree' to take good care of you, alright?" Poe adds with a wink. 

"I will." She smiles sadly.

Rey enters her room and sees Ben waiting, sitting on her bed, wearing only his sleeping pants, his legs stretched out. She immediately starts crying. He pats his thigh and she crawls across her bed into his lap. She feels his strong arms envelop her and she buries her face in his neck. She pulls her knees into her chest so he can swallow her small frame up with his much larger frame. He rests his chin on her head and holds her very tight. She feels completely cocooned in him, even though he isn't really here with her.

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora