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Rey wasn't sure where Ben was on base.. She felt for his presence, searching. 

I'm in the training room, my dear. 

She followed the corridor around and pressed her palm on the door pad. It slid open. 

What she saw shocked her. 

Ben. Training. With Poe. 

He stood with a practice saber in hand, Poe facing him, holding his own practice saber. 

"What are you two doing?"

"Bonding" Ben says with a smirk. 

"Poe since when are you a Jedi?"

"I'm not! It actually started off with hand to hand combat training."

He points at Ben with the saber. 

"He's a fucking brick wall. I mean, what the fuck?? That only lasted about five seconds."

"Nah, I can kick his ass." Rey says, crinkling her nose with a confident nod. 

"Well, I'd say I want to see that but I don't trust you two. I still can't sleep in my room"

Rey turns beet red and Ben looks too damn proud. 

"Yeah, you do make a good point there Dameron." He looks at Rey and winks at her. 

"I'm done. Too much testosterone in here."

"Ben, you still have the girls?" Rey asks.

"Yes, dear" he says, swinging towards Poe. Poe meets him and holds him back. 

"Ugh, stop with the 'dear', it makes us sound like an old married couple"

Ben shoves hard and Poe falls back, cursing the whole way. 

"I told you, don't lock your knees, Dameron"

Ben walks over and kisses her. "Sorry. Yes, my gorgeous piece of ass. Is that better?" He reaches around and grabs her rear. She giggles and kisses his neck quickly. 

"Hey!! I'm still in the room folks!"

"Shut up, Dameron. You can make out with Zorii next time I'm in the room. I'll even bring the nachos. Make it a show."

Ben bends over and bites Rey's neck lightly. "You ladies behave tonight"

Rey hits the door panel, causing it to slide open. She wiggles her finger at both men. 

"Nobody gets injured, ya hear?" 

"Was that for me?" Poe asks, "Cause I feel like that was for me. Hey! Don't worry about me! I got this covered!"

She just throws her hands in the air and backs out slowly.

Rey leaves with a joy and happiness that exceeded anything she'd felt in a long time. Not like what Ben brought her, no, there was no comparison to the happiness he brought her. But this was different. To see Ben and Poe maybe, possibly, becoming actual friends. She never anticipated this. It would be amazing if her adopted family accepted and cared about Ben. It was something she'd never dared wish for. 


Rey came in late. Her and the other ladies had started talking after her and Zorii trained. She had been enjoying herself so much. She slipped away to see the girls, bathe them and kiss them good night. Ben had reached out, through their bond. 

Go, have fun. You need it. I'm talking with Poe then I'm going to bed. 

Afterwards when she was a little tipsy from some wine Rose had found, she went to her room and found Ben trying to sleep. 

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