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Ben is sitting with his back against the headboard.

Rey is sitting between his legs, her back against his chest, attempting to read aloud. She wants him to listen.

He's not behaving. Things have been very busy around the base. Between late night training and spending time with the girls, there isn't much alone time.

As she is reading, he pulls her hair off of her neck and slowly kisses her bare shoulder, inhaling her scent.

"I love you, Rey"

The tip of his tongue traces up the side of her neck, causing her to shiver and giggle.

She sets the book down, sighing deeply.

"Mmm-hmm, I love you, too"

He bends her head forward and places kisses all along the hairline of her neck. He knows this drives her crazy.

She digs her nails into his thighs.

He decides to tease her, smiling against her skin, moving to the other shoulder.

"You know, there was one time I connected to you....you didn't know"

"Hmmm? What? When?"

She lays her head to one side to give him better access to her neck.

"One time you were in your quarters, you didn't sense me"

"What? No I always sensed you"

"Not this time"

He slides his hands up inside her top and cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples with his large fingers. She moans.

"What was I doing?" she whispers.




He continues the slow assault on her body.

"I never dance...oh wait...."

"Yep" he confirms.

"You SAW that?"

"Yep" he slightly bites her neck.

"You j-j-just watched me?" She stammers, distracted by his hands and mouth.

"Sure as hell did..."

"That song....Ben...I forgot about that"

"I haven't forgotten...."

"I love that songgg...." She moans as he reaches between her legs, cupping her in his hand, squeezing just a bit

"I saved it on my playlist"

"Oh Ben...did you ever listen to it?" She moves against his hand.

"All the fucking time" He strokes up and down, feeling her wetness.

She gasps, "Play it for me"

"Only if you dance for me" he withdraws his hand from her, sliding up her stomach. She pouts.

"Ben, I only did it that one time"

"I know...I want you to do it again"

"I'm not good at it"

Rey turns and faces him, sitting on her knees. He wraps his arms around her, pulling up her thin sleeping gown and grabbing her ass with both hands.

Ben chuckles, "Oh yes you are. C'mon baby please. I need you to"

"Only if you dance with me"

She slides her hands up into his hair.

"I'm not the dancer, you are"

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now