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Poe informs everyone of the status of the children and plans to locate the families. It's a huge project that Jannah runs.

"She's been amazing, returning most of the children home. Unfortunately there are children who were already orphaned, namely from Jakuu. Rey, I think Hux went there knowing there would be many orphans, struggling like you did. My thought is that he figured they would come willingly"

"Well at least they won't have to scavage like Rey did," says Ben. 

"Or sell themselves. I was lucky," says Rey. 

Only Rey feels anger surge through Ben. Plutt's reckoning is never too far from his mind lately. He wonders how he could get away to Jakuu. What she didn't know….

Rey looks back to Poe. "What are your thoughts on those children?"

"For now, keep them here. It's not so many that we can't care for them. They can learn any skills they are interested in. Piloting, mechanics, technology, etc"

"But will they be allowed to leave eventually? Or made to fight for you?" Ben asks. His words are rather sharp. 

"What do you mean by that?" Poe asks, leaning across his desk.

"Will they be slaves here? I thought the point was to give them freedom."

"Slaves? The fuck, Ben?"

Rey intervenes. "Poe, you need to remember, Ben...well, Kylo, back then….was doing his best to overturn child slavery. He's just concerned that the children will feel obligated to stay here"

Finn speaks up. "When did you suddenly become opposed to child slavery? You didn't say shit before you killed Snoke"

"He wasn't allowed to say shit Finn! You act like he had a voice. He was basically held prisoner…."

"Stop Rey. Stop speaking for me"

He turns to Finn, sitting close enough that when he does, his height causes his knees to almost touch Finn's. He leans forward.

"I've never called you Finn, have I? No. Well Finn, I don't know what you want me to say. I had opinions. My grandfather was a child slave. But mostly, Rey was. The woman I love was. I loved her a year ago and I love her now. I implemented change for children like her. I couldn't help her, my stupid mistakes kept me from knowing about her until she was an adult. But the least I could do was try to create change for the future. And maybe try to lure her to the First Order in the process. Thank the Maker she was too smart for that. 

But I don't owe you enough to explain that to you. 

I never cared for the stormtrooper program either. I wanted clones or droids but no one gave a shit what I wanted. I do owe you an apology but there's no point, Finn. No fucking point. You won't change. And that's some sad shit because that means I could do something you aren't capable of, which is to stop hating. It'll kill you if you keep hating me but go ahead, I'll just watch."

Rey has her hand on Ben's arm. "Stop. Both of you. Please. For me."

Ben never takes his eyes off of Finn's as he sits back, reaches up and laces his fingers through Rey's, nodding, not taking his eyes off of Finn's. 

"Alright, sweetheart, I'll stop. For you."

Rey sits back down next to Ben but doesn't let go of his hand. He pulls her hand possessively into his lap, just needing to feel her skin against his. 

I loved that Ben. I love you. 

He nods. He's trying to control his emotions at the moment, not something he's excelled at for long. 

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