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"Rothbert is dead"

Rey feels the room spin. She is standing next to Ben and immediately feels his arms behind her. His chest against her back. He steadies her. 

"Ty….." she breathes out the young boy's name. 

I know Rey. We'll get him. 

"How did you find out?" Ben asks. 

"I'll discuss that later."

Poe looks pointedly at Ben as he says it. The two have become friends, though neither will admit it. Ben has learned enough about his new "comrade" to know they will be alone in that discussion. 

"Poe…." Rey stammers, still leaning back against her husband. They are in a rather warm looking embrace but it's more that she needs his strength and he needs to her to know he's there. 

"I know Rey….just….let me think"

"Do we have any reason to believe Ty has been hurt?" Finn asks. He also had formed an attachment to the boy. Everyone knows that's one reason why he's been so snappy. 

"No. He is safe. For now. He was the one who delivered the message. Hux was behind him."

Rey lets out a small sound. She won't cry. That won't help matters. Her anger will arrive any moment. 

"What's the plan?" Rose asks. 

"Rescue mission, somehow." Poe answers. 

"We have no one on the inside." Jannah points out. 

Poe leans forward. Zorii sits to his right, holding his hand. She doesn't speak much in these meetings. She's Poe's right hand, everyone knows. She probably knows every secret, every code. She is his advisor and his greatest support. He wouldn't be the leader he's become without her. 

"We have intel that we've never had before."

He nods to Ben. 

"But wouldn't anything he knows be obsolete by now?" Finn asks. 

"You'd be surprised how lazy Hux is," says Ben, looking at his adversary. "evidence has pointed to him not changing many things. Even codes. He's more cruel than he is smart."

"Rothbert checked on many things that Ben remembered and found that much of it remains the same." Poe informs everyone. 

"So we need to talk about rescue. Who's going, who's staying. Ben, I need to have a word with you. The rest of you can go. We'll meet again after lunch."

Ben and Rey stay as the others file out.

"Rey, I need you to go do a thorough inspection on our best ships. Take Rose with you."

"Ummm. Now?"


Poe's tone tells her not to argue. Ben grasps her hand. 

Trust him. I do. 

I have a bad feeling Ben but I'm so glad to hear you say that. 

Rey leaves and Ben sits. 

"He wants you, Ben. He wants you to come. The message was addressed to you."

"So that tells me that Gensha is with him. It's the only way he'd know."

"Are you going?" Poe asks.




"Have you met Rey?"

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