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"Um...Ben?" Poe asks nervously. "Would you care to enlighten us to where we are headed?"

Ben looks intense, hence Poe's nervousness. Everyone had been afraid to speak, or even breathe. Ben has gone from shaking and crying to looking very much like his old persona, Kylo Ren.


Pissed is an understatement.

No one knows what to do with this Ben. The only one who does, Rey, isn't here. This isn't Kylo Ren. This is worse. This is Papa. Like Kylo on steroids.

Zorii is sitting behind Ben and glances at Poe. Ben didn't seem to even hear Poe's question.

Zorii reaches over Ben's seat and tentatively places her hand on Ben's shoulder. Ben flinches.

Zorii speaks calmly. "Ben, honey, you okay?"

"No." He growls.

"Ben," she continues to speak very low. "We need a plan. We're we going?"

"I don't know yet. I'm following their signatures in the force."

"And....this is reliable?" Poe asks.

Ben glances back at Poe. Chewie nods. He trusts the force. He's seen enough in his life to know.

"Poe, it's all I know to do, okay?" Ben says with a sigh.

"Okay big guy. But at some point when you know more, talk to us, okay?"

Ben nods.

"C'mon Poe, let's let him concentrate, okay?"

Poe leans forward to Chewie. "You take care of big guy here, alright Chewie?"

Ben smiles just a bit. He's not used to people caring about him. Except for Rey, of course.


Ben reaches through their bond.

Babe? You okay?


Me neither....

Where are you?

I felt them. I'm following it.

You saw them? Are they okay? Ben what did you see? Tell me!

I saw a glimpse. I'm trying hard to grab it again. They looked good. Afraid but good.

My babies....they are scared. Ben.....

I know babe.....I'm hurrying.....

Hurry faster Ben....

I can't talk to you and reach for them....

Rey severs their bond immediately and damn, if it doesn't hurt. He understands though.


<We'll find them Ben. We will. And there will be hell to pay>

"Is this how they felt when I disappeared?"

<I've never seen them so afraid. Don't think about that right now Ben>

Ben feels like crying again but he won't. He has to focus on the girls.

Driea? Leiliana? Do you hear me?

He feels them but he can't hear them. Almost...but not quite.

"Chewie. Swap with me."

Chewie and Ben swap seats so Ben can focus harder.

Driea? Can you hear me? Leia?

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now