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Rey is sitting in the floor changing Driea. Ben has a fussy hungry Leiliana. He gets down in the floor to swap babies so she can nurse Leiliana. 

They hired a nanny because Rey is exhausted. Ben had to go back to work. He was currently building his 17th cottage in the village. He tried to be home as much as he could but she was overwhelmed. 

The nanny takes Driea to put her down for a nap. Ben crawls over to Rey and Leiliana while she nurses her. He lays in front of her and watches. They are too tired to even get out of the floor. 

Ben takes Leiliana and changes her while Rey sits back exhausted and watches. He kisses his baby girls belly over and over after changing her. Rey teases him about having a favorite. Ben says that's not true but he feels a pull towards Leia. He says its because he held her before even Rey did, while Rey delivered Driea. 

They pass Leia to the nanny and they are alone, finally. He places his head in her lap. She plays with his hair, talks about the girls having his hair. She had been told that most babies lose their first hair but they didn't. She laughs saying that their hair is so thick it just stands straight up on their little heads.

They still haven't made love. She's had a bit of a hard time healing. 

His head is in her lap and he thinks about how he misses her. 

She has a mid thigh length black dress on. Nothing sexy, just practical. He thinks she's sexy in anything. His head is on her thigh and he gradually works the dress up her thigh. She doesn't notice yet. Soon his head is on her bare thigh. He rolls to his side and slowly kisses her thigh. 

I miss her

She's chattering away about something but he's caught up in how good she smells.

I need her so bad

 As he gently kisses her thigh, it grabs her attention. He hopes she sees that he's hard as a rock. 

I need my wife. It's been too long. 

"Ben, oh. Wait. Ben. Oh that feels good"

"Babe I miss you" he tells her as he keeps kissing both thighs. He has to hold back and not go further. Yet. 

"But Ben, I don't know" she moans. She wants to grab his hair but she knows better. That will really rile him up. 

"What don't you know?" His voice is muffled as his face is now under her dress. He moves his face up to kiss her belly.

"No Ben wait" she pushes him away slightly and pulls her dress back over her belly. 

He looks up, wondering why she did that. He then realizes that he hasn't even seen her naked since the girls were born. She's been hiding her body from him. 

At night she wears thin long pants and a nursing top to bed. He hasn't even been alone with her at night, the babies sleep with them after the nanny leaves.

"Rey, what's wrong? Talk to me"

"Ben, it's just, it's different now. I'm different"

He slides off of her thigh and lays on his back between her legs looking at her upside down. 

He turns his head sideways and kisses the inside of her thigh again. He kisses it slowly, using his tongue on her skin. She sighs. He's getting to her. 

"How are you different? Still beautiful as ever" 

He knows what she's thinking but she needs to say it. He runs his hand under her dress, touching her belly. She sucks in. 

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now