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He feels her stretch like a loth cat against him and turn over. She peppers his neck with soft kisses. Not the kind that suggest anything, just tender and sweet. 

"How did you sleep?" She whispers in her groggy morning voice. 

"Much much better next to you," he whispers "I love you in that shirt."

"It's my favorite. You're my favorite."

"Let's just stay here all day"

"I'm still tired from the night before last. Gloriously tired but tired."

"Believe it or not Rey I wasn't referring to sex. I just want you close. We can talk and eat and just be together. You can read your little romance book."

"I love you"

"I love you too. I know you have new recruits coming though so oh well…."

"What will you do?"

"Poe asked me to help work on some things."

"Oh my gosh Ben" she sits up, the sleeves of "her" shirt tumbling down her arms as she quickly pushes them back up "your meeting with Poe, how did that go?"

He smiles at her, stifling a laugh. 


"Your hair and my shirt. You're so funny. It's sticking up everywhere. You're so cute in the mornings."

She hits him, laughing. 

"You should see your hair!"

He smoothes it back. "Yeah, this Skywalker hair. I should cut it." He narrows his eyes at her, knowing what's coming. 

"See, now I'm not speaking to you. You think you're so funny."

She jumps up to go to the fresher and he groans at the fact that she doesn't have panties on. But he'll restrain himself. She needs a break but damn she doesn't make it easy. 

She comes out with shorts on, her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth, fussing about him teasing that he's going to cut his hair. He can't understand most of what she's saying as she hunts for her hairbrush. He's mourning the loss of seeing her bare ass. She disappears back into the fresher and reemerges with her hair tamed. 

"Did the meeting go well?"

"Off and on. He told me he has talked to the others about helping us with the girls. That made me feel better. He's got it all lined up. Jannah, Rose, Zorii and Chewie and someone named Kaydel will be taking turns with them when we are working."

"Kay was your mom's assistant."

"Oh great. She probably hates me already. That won't be awkward."

"No Ben," she cuddles up next to him again, grabbing her datapad. "Your mom didn't talk about you. She only talked to me. Kay is really sweet. I don't think she could hate anyone."

"Poe asked me to go in his place on the future missions."

"Kriff! Ben, that's huge. He trusts you. Do you trust him?"

"I'm trying. I keep telling myself that my mom always knew a good leader. She hand-picked him. He does feel like shit for not going last time. Finn's face is known now. Plus I don't think he quite trusts Finn. Babe, he's a bit unstable. And that's pretty bad coming from me."

"You are stable. Now. I don't know what's wrong with Finn."

"He's pissed about me being here. Really really pissed. I can't work with him. He upset you yesterday."

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now