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Rey comes back into the room and Ben pulls her to his side in quite the possessive way and glares at Poe

Poe laughs at him a bit.

Rey chastises her husband through their connection.

"Ben, what's got into you?"

"Not a thing babe"

"Calm down"

"I'm just hugging you"

"Sit down Ben"

Ben obliges his wife, still staring at Poe.

Poe changes the subject.

"Are they identical?"

Ben is confused. "Is who identical?"

"The girls"

"Oh yeah. Yes they are, so far"

"How do you tell them apart?"

Rey laughs. "They may be identical in looks but polar opposites in personality"

Ben smiles, "You got lucky, Driea is the nice one"

Rey looks offended "Both of my daughters are nice!"

Ben laughs "Okay even you know that's not completely true"

Poe watches them argue over their kids.

They seem so natural at this, being parents. Poe felt like shit asking Rey to leave.

Ben hollers "Leiliana, come here!"

Poe realizes Ben, formerly badass Kylo Ren, wants to show off his daughter.

This is wild, he thinks.

Poe could've sworn the same kid he saw earlier ran into the room. But where the first one was shy, this one storms in like she owns the place. Poe could tell the difference.

This little girl looks him up and down.

"Who are you?" She demands.

Yep, little Ben, Poe thinks. Or....

Little Leia Organa.

"I'm Poe. What's your name?"

She steps up to him, eyeing him. She sticks her hand out.

Poe covers his mouth with his hand, looking at a beaming Ben.

Rey noticed Poe didn't look at her but at Ben.

Rey watched a little common glance between the two men.

It's amazing how a child can bring two enemies together, even for a moment.

Poe took her little hand, surprised when she firmly shook it. He couldn't stop the smile on his face.

"My name is Leiliana Solo. I know who you are. What are you here for?"

Poe forced himself to be serious with this little force of power.

"I came to visit your Mama...and Papa" he added, wanting to roll his eyes at the lie he told.

"You are the pilot. You knew my Nana. You were her friend"

Poe tried not to show his emotions. Leia was like a mom to him and he missed her terribly.

"Yes I knew her. You look like her"

"Yes I do. She was a Jedi and a General"

"The best damn general I ever knew" Poe said and covered his mouth. He looked up at Rey.


Leiliana spoke up again

"It's okay Papa says damn all the time"

"Leiliana!! Don't cuss!" Rey fussed at her daughter, giving a pointed look at Ben clearly blaming him for their daughters mouth.

Ben laughed out loud. He couldn't help it. Leiliana was his pride and joy. Of course Driea was too but this one....there was something about her. She was clearly a mix of Leia Skywalker Organa and Han Solo in a way he never had been.

"Go check on your sister"

She gave Poe another once over and took off, stopping to ask her Mommy "Where's my staff?"

Rey reached over and grabbed a small staff, identical to her old one. She handed it to her daughter.

"Go practice! And NOT ON YOUR SISTER!" she yelled after the running child.

Poe could finally burst out laughing.


"I told you" said Ben

Mini Leia ran out of the room but soon returned.

"Papa!! The ball!! It's in the hole again!!"

Ben grumbled something about fixing the damn hole and walked out behind his little girl.

Rey and Poe met eyes and laughed.

"If you could see all this through my eyes....this is crazy. I leave here last time ready to kill this man and now he's chasing balls and he's got kids and you are a housewife....."

"I know Poe, it's like a dream sometimes. But Poe, do you see it? He's not the same, you see it don't you?"

"Yes Rey I do but you have to realize, I'm still dealing with the repercussions of what he left behind so pardon me if I'm bitter towards him"

Poe rummages around in his bag and pulls out a communicator. He walks over and sits next to Rey. He places the communicator in her hand.

"Just in case you change your mind"

"I won't Poe. I can't"

"I know. I just....if you need anything"

Ben re-enters the room and Rey stands quickly, slipping the communicator under the chair before standing.

Rey looked at her dear friend "Poe, you see what I have here"

"I know Rey. I had no idea. I wouldn't have even asked if I had known. Your priorities are here"

He stands to leave. He looks at Ben.

"Ummm....I don't know what to say. You've done good here. I know this is a sensitive subject but Leia talked to me years ago. This was what she always wanted for you Ben"

Ben just nodded. He wasn't about to show him what those words did to him.

Rey hugged Poe. Poe didn't really hug back.

"Please write to me. I have to know what's happening. With everything. You can do this Poe. You can defeat them again. I know you can"

"Yeah, I hope so" he looked doubtful. How can he do this without Rey?

"Hug Finn from me. Tell him I'm still waiting on his letter"

"I will"

He nodded at Ben and left.

Rey stood, staring at the spot where Poe had been standing. Ben ran his hands down her arms. She turned and buried her face in his chest.


"Just, hold me"

"Rey, if you want to go....I.....won't stop you...."

But please don't go, don't leave us.

He blocked her from hearing that last part.

"I know, just hold me"

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