The News

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Surprised was not the word for it.

Here sits his wife, in their home, next to her "best friend", one of his enemies.

Poe was hugging her.

Ben nods. "Poe" he says, like he sees him everyday. He will not show his surprise to this dickhead.

Poe nods back, "Ben"

Rey jumps up, greeting her husband, trying to ignore the instant tension in the room. She's just glad Poe called him Ben.

Gotta grasp at straws here, she thinks.

Rey circles the small table in front of the sofa. She grabs Ben's hand.

"Ben, Poe came for a visit! Isn't that nice?"

"Yeah, nice" he hasn't taken his eyes off of the man.

Ben looks down at his wife "Are they up yet?" he asks.

"No, not yet"

Awful late, isn't it? Are they okay?"

"I'm sure they are"

Then the room is silent.

Poe is very uncomfortable. He stands. This was a bad idea.

"Uh, I'll be going now. I just wanted to say hello"

Rey gets angry, "Oh no you will not! You came for a reason! You told me. Besides, you haven't met my girls. Sit down"

Ben shifts his stance. He instantly knew something was up. Poe came here for a reason?

"Um, yeah, well, maybe it was a mistake" he heads towards the door. Ben wasn't stopping him.

But Rey was.

"SIT!" she says sternly

Poe sits.

Hell, Ben felt the urge to sit too. He was a bit intimidated by his wife. Maybe more than a bit....

"I'll be back" Ben says with a look at Poe.

Ben leaves the room.

"It's not like you to let him get to you" Rey says to Poe.

"Well damn Rey, this is his territory. The last time I saw you was in a garden, not a house that HE built"

"You are impressed, aren't you? Admit it"

"Nope. I'm not admitting shit" he flashed that grin he was known for.

Poe, what's going on?"

"Sit down Rey, no, not here. Sit over there" he motioned across the room.

Rey never realized that she was a natural flirt. She couldn't help it. She could confuse a man easily. Poe had business to attend to. He didn't need to deal with Mr Jealousy right now.

"I don't know if we should wait for Ben" Poe added.

"Poe what the hell is it? Is this about Ben, or me, or what?"

"All of that"

Rey's heart jumped. She had a bad, very bad feeling.

"Spill it. NOW"

"Rey, you know what I'm about to say. You are a Jedi. You haven't felt anything?"

Rey's eyes darted around the room, anxious. She had felt it. She had ignored it.

Who is it? Where are they? Who's in charge?"

"Somehow, someway, it's that idiot. Hux"

Ben appeared.

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now