To Worship A God: 14

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AN: WOHOO! Chapter 14! Some valentines fluffy fluffness! 



Valentines day came quicker than expected and Grisha had been right when he'd said lots of couples would ask for Levi's blessing on their future offspring. Levi had a temple completely designed for him and Eren had insisted his throne be made of nothing but the finest marble and gold. Levi had seen it as a bit much when he seen the beautiful temple his husband had designed it was beautiful yes, but Levi still wasnt use to the bright jewels and expensive fabrics yet, 

'Your highness...The next couple have arrived...They have a newborn.'

The servant says, Levi smiles nervously as if placing his hands on pregnant womens bellies wasn't enough now he was going to actually bless a newborn! He hadn't had the opportunity to bless a newborn yet, this was his first time doing so. 

'Your highness...'

A familiar voice says as they come closer to his throne Levi smiles and instantly sits up, 

'Petra! It's so good to see you!'

Levi says as he gets up to walk over but stops as he sees the tiny bundle in her arms, he smiles, 

'Congratulations...I didn't realize you'd given birth...I thought you were only a few months along...'

Levi says, Petra smiles, 

'Yes...Our pregnancies dont last very long here in terms of months, our days are far longer so it adds up.'

She says, Levi nods, Eren had explained it too him but it still confused Levi. Despite it being confusing Levi was happy the baby had made it into the world safe and sound, 

'May I?'

Levi asks as he reaches his arms out Petra nods handing over her bundle of joy. Levi smiles a she gazes into the eyes of the tiny baby, 

'A beautiful little girl Petra...She's beautiful.'

Petra smiles, 

'Thank you...Olou has already started spoiling little Artemisia...'

She says smiling, 

'Thats a beautiful name Petra...Where is Olou?'

Petra opened her mouth to speak but the sound of the temple doors opening echoed in there ears as Olou came rushing in, still wearing his guard uniform, 


He says, Levi chuckles as he see little Artemisia smile at the sound of her papa's voice. 

'Has my little princess been blessed yet? DADDY'S SO SORRY LITTLE ONE!'

He yells, Petra smacks him up the back of the head, 

'She hasnt been blessed yet Olou but it was rude of you to keep us waiting...Levi has a lot of people to see too..'

Levi smiles, 

'Oh no it's okay...If I known it was you coming I would have had tea prepared.'

Levi says, 

'The important thing is your here now.'

Levi says, 

'Let's start.'

Levi says as he walks with the baby in his arms. She wore a beautiful christening gown that had been a gift from Carla to the couple, a bright pink bow was wrapped around the babies head instantly showing she was a girl. Even if she'd worn a different coloured bow Levi could just tell she was a beautiful baby girl. He removes the bow not wanting it to get wet and hands it to her father who already had tears in his eyes. Walking towards the throne Levi stopped at a small marble sink that had healing water in it, Levi smiles holding the newborn in his arms felt...nice and natural...

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