To Worship A God: Part 10

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Warning: Very Long chapter! (Over 5700 words!) SMUT! LOTS OF HOT SMUT FOR MY CHILDREN! Im sorry it took me so long my children to update I had really bad writters block on this chapter and I didn't know how to word it! Never the less its up now! Please enjoy!!!

December 31st 0845

Levi gazed out his window at the slowly setting sun, his heart pounded softly, tomorrow was the day he and Eren would finally become one. He missed Eren so much. He clutches the key hanging from his neck, he was so lost in thought that he was barely paying attention to the world around him, an arrow shot past his head and he screamed but calmed down when he realized that the arrow was from Sasha. 


Hange yells from outside the window, Levi look out of the window to see Hange, Nanaba, Mikasa, Annie, Sasha and Petra. 

'Are you crazy? You shot an arrow at me!'

He squeaks loudly his heart pounding, 

'Yes I'm insane but Sasha's an excellent shot I knew she wouldn't hit you! Anyhow get down here! Were gonna celebrate your last night as a virgin!'

Levi's face went bright red, 

'D-Don't say that out loud!'

Levi cries, the girls down below began to laugh softly as Levi went bright red from embarrassment. Why would they say something so embarrassing out loud like that! Levi had honestly planned to stay in tonight and try and calm his nerves but perhaps a night out would help him calm down. 

'O-Okay...But we can't stay out to late!'

Levi says as he leaves his room quickly walking down the stairs. He squeaks as he hears Eren and his friends voices echoing through the halls. He quickly hides behind a curtain him and Eren were forbidden to see each other until the wedding which had been extremely hard to be fair. Levi's heart raced excitedly as he heard Eren's voice for the first time in nearly a week, 

'Come on Jaeger your gonna get married tomorrow you must be looking forward to the after ceremony.' 

Eren stares at him, 

'After ceremony?'

He says in a questioning tone, 

'You know...The sacred martial ritual that will connect you and Levi together as one?'

Eren just stares at him, 

'Oh for god sake Jaeger I'm talking about sex!'

Levis face went bright red. Eren face also went red, 

'O-Of course I'm looking forward to it!'

He says, 

'I-Im just nervous...' 

Eren admits as he ruffles his hair softly, his friends stare at him. Reiner places his hand on Eren's shoulder and smiles, 

'Hey don't be nervous Eren. You gotta take control tomorrow night, remember Levi's the bottom, I'm assuming...Unless...Unless your the one who wants it up the as-'

'No! No its not that its just...I-I don't want to hurt Levi...'

He says honestly. 

'I-I admire him so much...I want to protect him and the thought of potentially hurting the man I love is making me nervous.' 

Jean laughs, 

'Oh your such a pussy Jaeger, sex is too much fun for it too hurt!' 

Bertholdt clears his throat. 

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