To Worship A God: Part 11

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Warnings: Bad language. SEX!!! Gore in this chapter. Sorry for the lack of updates I've been struggling to write this chapter for months and I finally wrote a version that I am satisfied with! Please enjoy!

P.S: How does future Eren titan x Levi sex sound? Let me know if you'd like that lol!

Just a few hours ago the room Levi and his husband were in was filled with sexual tension and a lot of breathless moans, now the air was thick with tension, Levi could feel his heart racing in his chest intensely. He stared at the creature in front of him, he'd seen titans before and they were severely disfigured and looked like something from the pits of hell, however, Erens titan wasn't no where near as scary looking as those other titans. A growl left Erens mouth snapping Levi back to reality, 

'Eren...Eren its me Levi....I...I'm your w-wife...'

He says softly looking at Eren with fearful eyes, the titan growled in response and stood up he was far bigger than Levi had imagined. He didnt know what to do, should he scream for help? Should he try and talk to Eren? His eyes widened as he saw Eren  growl and darts forward to grab Levi, Levi was barely able to dodge him in time as he hit the floor hard groaning, his eyes widened as Eren pounced again and he barely rolled out of the way. 

'Eren please! Its me!'

He cries as he rolls out of the way Erens titan being sent straight into a small table near by. Levi scrambled to his feet his heart pounding rapidly he tried to put as much distance as he could between himself and Eren. On one hand he wanted the guards outside to run in and help but on the other he was afraid Eren would hurt them. Levi bit his tongue Zeke and even Carla had warned him that Eren was unreachable in his titan form, however Levi was determined to help the man he loved. Eren titan growled as it staggered to its feet a little taken back by the sudden collision, Levi knew he couldnt get to the door so he needed to barricade himself inside their room. Before he could think he was running his feet pounding against the stairs, he could feel Eren was close behind him blood lust clear in his eyes. He screamed as Erens  hand gripped his leg tugging him and sending him crashing into the stair below him. He was at the top of the stairs and the wind was momentarily knocked out of him,


He told himself as he turned kicking Eren in the face Mikasa and his friends had taught him a few self defense tricks but they were meant to be used on humans not titans. Despite that Levi kicks was enough to shock Eren and make him let go, Levi scrambled to his feet and darted to their bedroom his ankle hurt and his ribs were sore but he knew that Eren would be heart broken if he'd accidentally killed him. Levi tried to slam the door closed but Eren was fast and he charged against the door sending Levi flying to the ground. The titan watched as Levi hit the ground and he let out a scream of pain as he hit the floor, why did that make him feel uncomfortable, the raven looked at the titan with tears in his eyes, 

'Please Eren...My king...Your scaring me...' 

He says looking at him gently he flinched as the titan walked forward. 

'Eren...Please...I love you...Y-Your not a monster...'

He says softly, the titan growled lightly why was it listening to him...Why did this voice sound so familiar to him...


Levi says as he got to his feet touching Erens face softly, 

'Its me...Your wife...Your queen.'

He says, the titan relaxed a little that voice was so warm...


Levi smiles at him as he gently caresses his jaw and says, 

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