To Worship A God: Part 8

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Hey guys! Oh early update lol this chapter took a lot out of me. Lots of detail in this chapter! Also I'm thinking of Eren and Levi getting married very quickly in this story but the sooner the get married the sooner we get to see Levi take some dick! What do you guys think?

Alright Enjoy!

Warnings: Long chapter. Slightly sad/emotional.

December 24th 0845

Levi stared in disbelief at the women in front of him, was she out of her mind. She had it wrong he wasn't her son. Eren stared at him in almost disbelief...Levi was Kuchel's long lost son...but that would mean...Levi was...

'My beautiful baby...Rivalle you've grown so much...'

She says smiling, Levi shakes his head, 

'No...That's not possible...I'm sorry ma'am but my names Levi and there's no way I'm your son.' 

He says, 

'My mother is dead.' 

He says, thats right Elizabeth was his mother. Kuchel flinched at his words slightly, Carla, Grisha and Zeke all looked at her sadly she seemed heart broken...The Goddess looked at him and took his hands. 

'No sweetie..I'm your mother...Nearly eighteen years ago I gave birth to beautiful raven haired boy...'

She says as she caresses his face. Her smile was kind and loving, 

'Oh my baby...I've been awaiting the day I would be reunited with you...'

Eren watched as Levi stared at her. They looked identical...

'Elizabeth raised you well...She really did see through her mission to the very end. Thank you Carla you choice an excellent surrogate to raise Levi.'

Levi frowned, 

'She wasn't a surrogate she was my mother. My real mother.' 

He says sternly, how dare they...She wasn't a surrogate...At least not to him...Kuchel looks at him. 

'Rivalle...I know this is big news bu-'

'But nothing! How dare you! How dare you come in here and declare me as your damn son! You know nothing about me! You weren't there when they found me on that porch freezing to death, you weren't there when I said my first words, or when I took my first steps! You didn't teach me how to cook, you didn't teach me anything! She did my mama did!'

Levi yells tears rushing down his face, 

'She died for you! She died for your bastard of a son! Why did everyone around me suffer...Why did they all pay for my living!'

He says, Eren puts his hand on his shoulder but Levi continued. 

'You didn't stop that bastard when he was beating me! You didn't even come and see if I was okay! Eren did! You didn't create that tree that day when I first escaped these walls Carla did! you didn't heal me when that bastard beat me to a pulp! Eren did that!'

He says, 

'Levi lo-'

Eren begins to speak but Levi cuts him off. 

'So what am I a God or something?' 

He demands, 



He yells, he looks at her tears rushing down his face. 

'L-Levi...Sweetie please...I'll explain everything its just a very long story...'

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