To Worship A God: Part 21

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AN: Prepare for tears everyone, sorry for the delay I have been extremely busy and wasn't sure how I wanted to end this story. There will be one more chapter after this and I will try my best to complete it as soon as possible. Please try to enjoy!

Warnings: Blood, death, gore.  

Eren stood above Ymir's vaporizing corpse, he'd killed her, he'd defeated the founding titan. Adrenaline rushed through his body as he panted, he didn't know how to feel, his whole life this woman had been the reason he'd suffered like this and now he'd finally killed her. Emotions flooded through his body as he looked at the blood on his hands, soon nothing would remain of Ymir, like all titans she would leave no trace behind...If he had lost this would have been him too...Nothing but steam. He hated Ymir, he hated her for all the pain she had caused him and yet in the end he felt sorry for her. In her mind she was never in the wrong, she had been exacting revenge for the ones she loved, and in doing so she had become a villain in Paradise's eyes, he wonders if Levi hadn't off saved him would he have turned out like her? Would he have joined her side and destroyed his home? At every turn of his life, he too could have easily become the villain...

'Were surrounded!'

Mikasa yells as she stands her ground taking down as many Titans as she can, Annie by her side as both Goddesses fight side by side. Erwin hissed angrily as she swiped at the Titans trying to defend Armin. Eren growled as he went to attack but Armin yelled, 


He yelled, 


Eren looked at him, he didn't want to abandon his allies, but as the future king, he had to make necessary sacrifices to secure Paradise's future. As a king, he had to be prepared to sacrifice those he loved to save his kingdom, he didn't have time to grieve. He didn't have time to hesitate, his kingdom was resting on his shoulders and like hell was he going to fumble now. The scars on Ymir's body were undoubtedly caused by Levi's blades and Ymir had come from the south, no doubt that is where Kenny and Levi were. Armin's words echoed in his head as he ran in his titan form deeper into the battlefield, Armin was right, it wouldn't be Kenny that would kill Levi, it would be himself. He would be Levi's demise. He had been such a selfish lover, Levi had given up everything to be with him, and he'd proved time and time again his loyalty to Paradise. He'd accepted his mission, and trained hard to adhere to the prophecy, and what had Eren done? He'd simply relished in the pleasure of escaping his torment. Levi had saved him from despair, he'd saved him from his self-destruction and now he was in a battle for his life, what had Eren done for him? What had he sacrificed for Levi? A dark growl left his lips as the wind soared against his disfigured face, 


In the end, Armin was right, Levi Ackerman would die...And it would be his fault. 


A bang echoed through the air as a bullet soared past Levi's face, metal meets wood and Levi watched as the bark of the tree burst into splinters before his eyes. The tiny shards of wood danced in the air beside him, of course, Kenny was not holding back, why would he? Levi was destined to kill him. He was destined to take the life of his blood. He could feel the pain in his arm, blood slowly seeping from the wound, it was a flesh wound, a warning shot. The next bullet would surely be embedded into his skull. He growled, he'd been too slow and in doing so Ymir had escaped his clutches. His hands gripped the hilts of his swords, it didn't matter once he killed Kenny, once he freed himself of this prophecy he was going for the head of that founder bitch. Levi growled under his breath as another bullet pierced the tree, the bullet piercing the trunk of the tree dangerously close to his head, he was a sitting duck here, and unfortunately, he had no idea what kind of weapon Kenny was using. Perhaps it was some type of advanced human technology, time worked differently in Paradise...How many years had it been back in his hometown? How long ago had he left...He tsked, it didn't matter, he would come out the victor of this battle, he had worked too hard to lose everything right now. He'd already lost enough...Elizabeth...Kuchel...

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