To Worship A God: Part 16

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AN: Sorry for taking so long guys I really had to battle on how I wanted this chapter to go, to be honest it was originally planned to go in a much more different route but I felt this version was more ideal to my story! This chapter is a little shorter normal but is still filled with lots to indulge in! I hope you all enjoy as To Worship A God is coming to an end rather shortly! 

Warning: Death and gore are present in this chapter! If your uncomfortable with blood and death please avoid the last portion of this chapter!! Also included talk of sex and bad language don't like don't read! 

-Alright enjoy!

Marco lifted the porcelain cup to Armin's lips to let him sip the medicine inside, he watched Armin's face contort into distaste as the bitter medicine entered his mouth. Marco looked at him sadly setting down the cup and reaching for a glass of water. Armin had been slipping in and out of consciousness due to the lack of blood, the black magic had further caused minor amnesia nothing major. Today had been the first day in over two weeks that Armin showed major signs of improvement, of course his eye sight was sadly lost forever. 

'I'm sorry it has such a bitter taste. However, its necessary you drink this to help drain all of the dark magic out of you.'

He says as he looks at him, 

'Once your stomach settles I can change your bandages.'

He says as he helps Armin drink, 

'Are my eyes still bleeding...'

Armin asked softly, his voice quiet. Marco looked at him,

'Yes...But thats to be expected...Your wounds are still healing and sadly this is a slow process.'

Marco says gently, 

'Its going to take time for you to heal but don't worry we have an excellent mages crafting you new eyes...Their identical to your old on-'

'Its not the same.'

Armin says, 

'I'll still be blind...However...It's too late...'

Marco looks at him questioningly, 

'What do you mean? Yes you'll be blind but...There are other ways to see without eyes...'

'She thought she'd won by taking away my eyes...'

Armin says as he turns to look in Marco's direction. 

'I may be blind but I know how this story ends...And I'll do everything in my power to ensure she doesnt get the ending she so desired. I was convinced she could see the future but in reality she was just predicting one potential outcome...Marco...Dont tell Erwin this but...'

Marco listens, 

'I was meant to die...Erwin wasn't meant to save me...'


Marco says in shock, 

'I seen it in the journal...However, I took a risk...I caught her off guard.'

He says, he smiles, 

'There's still pieces of this puzzle I don't understand and my gamble probably took that away from me...' 

He says honestly,

'However...We have to take risks in order to get ahead...Shinganshina is on the brink of war and I will not let our Paradis fall...'

He reaches out grabbing Marco's shirt, 

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