To Worship A God: Part 22

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AN: The final chapter has arrived. I may do an Epilogue depending on how my readers feel. It won't be a very long chapter if I do just a little insight into their future lives. Please enjoy this final chapter it has been an honor writing this story and I hope everyone enjoyed it!

Warnings: Sad, mention of death, slight smut. 

Green fields were shrouded in blood, the once bright sight was now clouded in the aftermath of war. Rain washed away the red sight, hiding the tears of those mourning their loved ones, silencing the screams of pain and hurt. Eren now soaked from the rain held Levi close, he had no idea how long he had sat here cradling his lover, how much he had screamed begging Levi to open his eyes, to come back to him. His hands were stained with his wife's blood, it had been his fault, he should never have approached Levi, and he should never have cursed him with his selfish desires. At every turn of Levi's life he had suffered at others' hands and Eren in his desperation to be free of his curse had been so blinded that he had aided in his suffering. Fueled by selfish desires he had aided in Levi's pain, the tear rolled down his cheeks as steam enveloped him as he returned to his human form. All his life he had wanted to break his curse to be free of his torment, he loved Levi he always had but in his mind, he had viewed Levi as a key to his freedom. How was he any better than those who had abused Levi his entire life? A boy who had sought freedom beyond the walls, to seek out a Paradise that might never have existed...He didn't deserve this...He deserved to be free, to no longer feel pain...Was death truly the only way for Levi Ackerman to truly find peace? He caressed Levi's face, he couldn't even tell him he loved him, 

'I love you...I love you so much, Levi...' 

He whispers, 

'I love you more than anything. I'm so sorry...'

What was a king without its queen? He felt lost...Is this the pain his father had felt when Diana died? In time he had healed, and his mother had restored Paradise to what it should have been, but Eren was the God of Freedom, he couldn't bless the soil to heal it, and he couldn't bring back lives...Like his father would he have to wait years for another to come along and heal his broken kingdom? The thought alone caused his heart to ache even more, he didn't want that, he wanted Levi at his side. Levi was the one, his soulmate, the one person he wanted to spend eternity with. The pain in his chest hurt so much, that his body hit with a wave of exhaustion as pressed kisses to Levi's forehead and lips. He felt so warm in his arms, he looked like he was just sleeping, Eren had wanted to close his eyes and when they opened this would all be a horrible nightmare. Nothing could prepare him for the pain of losing what he loved most, they had won this senseless war but at what cost? Eren knew the mountain of bodies he would be standing on top of would be piled high, Levi's blood wasn't the only blood that stained his hands, half his kingdom, his loyal subjects, their deaths were on him. His parents were gone...Both had valiantly sacrificed their lives for their kingdom...He had abandoned his allies on the battlefield in search of Levi, they had sent him ahead to ensure Levi lived and it was all in vain...Armin, Mikasa...Jean...Had they survived? 


Eren made no move to look away from Levi, his face soaked in fresh and dry tears, he could hear their voices calling to him, and the sound of horses galloping echoed in his ear as he held Levi's body close to him.

'Eren...Oh no...'

Mikasa says softly, Armin held Erwin's hand he didn't need to see to know what had happened, it was just as the diary had said, 

And there the king will lie...His heart in his hand... 

Mikasa stepped forward, what could she possibly say to him, to the boy she had watched grow, what words could bring any form of comfort to him? Kneeling beside him she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, she opened her mouth to speak but found no words, nothing escaped. 

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

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