To Worship A God: Part 4

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Hey guys! Wow...Chapter four already! This is a spicy and tragic chapter my friends! I really put a lot of effort into it! I hope your all enjoying reading this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it! ❤️❤️❤️

Alright Enjoy!

Warning: ⚠️ Time for some sexy smut my children! Masturbation. Talk about sex. UPSETTING SCENES AHEAD! DEATH. 

February 14th 0843

Love was in the air on this festive day. Single men bought bouquets of flowers to try and charm potential wives. They gave them chocolates and for those who could afford it a diamond ring. Levis father had only allowed him out on the condition that he would look for a wife...Which he did...For five minutes before walking into Mrs Hanges library.

'Hey Levi! It's good to see you!'

Moblit says as he, Erwin and two new people he hadn't meet before sat at a table inside the library. Levi waved shyly.

'Hi...Its good to see you too...'

Erwin smiles and points to the two newbies.

'Levi this is Mike and Nanaba...There also apart of our faith.'

Levi smiles.

'Nice to meet you both.'

Mike sniffed him and Levi flinched softly.

'Were you trying your luck with the ladies? You're got a weird scent on you.'

Levi sighs,

'Unfortunately...Yes...My dad's forcing me to find a wife...'

He says sadly. Mike nods,

'I'm guessing you don't want to huh...'

Levi shakes his head tears in his eyes.

'I don't wanna be with a women...I want to remain devoted my God...'

He says. Nanabas smiles and takes his hand.

'Why don't you say you want to be a Priest then?'

Levis eyes widened, he hadn't considered that.

'That's a great idea...Your mum and dad are really religious aren't they? Surely they can't stop you from being a Priest.'

Levis heart raced, he'd never thought of that...His parents couldn't force him to marry a women. If he was solely devoted to their God.

' Y-You right...They can't...'

He says his heart racing. He's father couldn't force him to marry if he was going to remain celebrate and join the church...This was perfect.


Hange yells as she comes down stairs a crazy look in her eyes.

'Why are you so loud...'

Levi mumbles as he sits down and is attacked with hugs by Hange.

'My little man's all better! We tried to visit but your dad wouldn't let us.'

She says. Levi sighed,

'I know...Sorry about him...I got the stuff you sent thou...Thank you...'

He says softly.

'Nanaba! Come help me make Sandwiches for everyone you make some mean sandwiches and I make some great tea!'

Hange yells excitedly. Levi perked up at the thought of tea.

'Okay...Ill make sure she doesn't burn the place down.'

To Worship A God (Ereri Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now