To Worship A God: Part 7

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Hey guys! Its been a long week but heres another chapter! It's kind of a filler but its important lol!

Alright Enjoy!

Warnings: Long Chapter. Slight naughty/teasing scenes. Humor. Slight gore. 

December 24 0845

Blood soaked through the snow as the body of a murderer lay on the ground bleeding to the death. His hands stained with the blood of an innocent women, his soul blackened by his sins, the sound of footsteps echoed in air as the man lay dying. God had punished him for his sins...If he repented he'd surely be welcomed into heaven and would be blessed by his God. Ed looked up at the night sky, he was cold...

'Yer really worthless aren't cha...Couldn't even take out a weak little vermin...' 

A chilling voice said as he watched the dying man. 

'A-Are you God...' 

The man says as he looks up at the man, a deadly smirk on his face. He watches as the man bends down and removes his hat. He held a blade in his hand and he pressed it to the Ed's neck. 

'I'm a God...Just not the shithead you idiots here worship.' 

He says, 

'Gotta say I'm impressed...Ya got some nasty wounds there and yer still flapping yer gub.' 

Ed looked at him weakly. 

'I failed...I couldn't kill him...'

The man smirked, 

'Aye...Ya did...Ya failed something shockin not that I was beatin me horse on ye in the first place but I thought ye would have at least done more damage to the brat...' 

The man says, 

'Look at ya...Bleedin to death...You mortals really are weak...' 

He says, Ed looks at him. 

'God...Will he forgive me...Will I got heaven...'

The man rolls his eyes, 

'Na...Child abusers and wife beaters don't get to see any pearlly gates...Exterminators like you and I aren't welcome in "heaven".' 

He says, he hears Ed breath heavily as he coughs up blood. 

'Heaven ain't real...Shignashina thou...That's real...'

He says as he looks at Ed. 

'Ya know there was plenty of opportunities for me to kill that boy...In fact on the day you beat the shit out of him I was right next to him and I knew it was him...You wanna know why I didn't kill him...'

The man says before smirking, Ed remained silent.

'I didn't kill the rat because he found something that he really believes in...He found something that he loves and well...Before I slit the vermins throat I wanna take away everything he loves...'

He says as he smirks thinking about slitting the boys throat as he cries in complete heart break. He smirks as he looks at Ed whose eyes were almost lifeless, he tched loudly and ran his blade across his throat. 

'God sake at least have the dignity to listen to me ya worthless piece of shit.' 

He says as he watches the mans life drain. He smirks as he pushes his hand into his chest and pulls out a black soul. 

'Ah well...Your worth more ta me dead than alive...' 

He says as he gets up shoving the soul into his pocket. He yawns as he begins walking away from the wall. 

To Worship A God (Ereri Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora