To Worship A God: Part 17

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AN: Were getting closer to the end my dears! TWAG will be finishing within 3 - 5 chapters! I hope your enjoying this story as it will be coming to its end! If your enjoying TWAG please check out my new story, The Ackerman Estate! 

Warning: Bad language, mild gore, violence, sexual references 

Kenny watched the army of titans as they gathered around Ymir, the tormented souls living an endless nightmare. He scoffed as he turned his gaze to a dead flower watching the petals fall to the ground, 


He says as he watched it, for some reason flowers always reminded him of Kuchel. Where had the time gone, he remember the days when it had just been him and her...How they ruled this pathetic world together. Everything had been perfect...Until his sister had created life. That day when he'd returned from travelling the earth and found that they were no longer alone was the day he'd grown to hate his sister. She'd betrayed him. Found a new purpose in her existence and created pathetic creatures and oh did Kenny hate them, the hatred that boiled inside him, the desire to rid the world, to purge it clean of his sisters mistakes. Thus from where his sister created immortal life, he created ever lasting death. How could his sister not see how pathetic her creations where, she gave them life and they abused it, turned their backs on the kindness of her first borns. 

'Worthless beasts.'

He muttered his eyes dark, how he hated humanity. If only they had never been created in the first place, then Kuchel and him would have been together. He growled softly, despite the boiling hatred that festered inside him when Cavera had revealed Ymir's underlining plan he had felt something inside him. The idea of his sister dying seemed to...Upset him? Was that the right word? His hands gripped onto the window sill and he growled, why was he feeling upset? His sister deserved to die. 

'You seem distressed. Your not getting soft are you Kenny?'

That voice, he didn't bother turning, 

'Soft? You've been sayin that a lot lately Ymir.'

He says, 

'You've not been acting the same since Cavera opened her mouth.'

She countered as she stood beside him, 

'Yeah well, suppose I'm a little pissed ya failed to mention yer little plan.'

Ymir looks at him, 

'What do you want Kenny? A heartfelt apology from me?'

'That be a start.'

He says sarcastically. Ymir watched him before saying, 

'I can rely on you Kenny can't I? Or...Are you that obsessed with your whore of a sister that your going to become a problem.'

Kenny growls, 


He yells, the door to the room flew open Cavera running in breathing heavily she feel to her knees, 

'My lord! Lady Ymir! t-The plan worked...The Goddess of Life, is dead!'


A darkness seemed to over look the palace as the Jaegers and the council sat around the table in silence. The news of the Kuchel's death had plague the citizens of Shinganshina, there Paradis turning into a land of despair and mourning. Of course the citizens were worried, without the Goddess of Life was everyone now mortal? 

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