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Chatter filled Jin's kitchen-living room as he sat around the kitchen island with Jimin and Jungkook. They were getting the invitations ready for sending them off while drinking wine. Hoseok would have been here but he had to make a quick trip to Ilsan for a client. It was fun, though, just Jin with the smallest boys of the group.

"I remember one of my friends in college used to make moonshine in her bathtub." Jimin recounted, adding a pretty little snowflake sticker to seal the envelope. "She made enough money to to pay for tuition and get an apartment near campus with the moonshine money."

"Did you buy in?" Jungkook asked writing the names on the envelopes. "Moonshine isn't that bad when college girls make it, they have a certain touch of softness."

Jin snorted. "Jungkook, when did you try moonshine?" He questioned, putting the invitations in the envelopes.

"It was an awkward night on September, a while after I had turned 20." Jungkook began dramatically. "I was but a broke child and so I slept with the girl for moonshine. It was then that I realized I was indeed gay and not bisexual." The two other boys started laughing, Jin ruffling Jungkook's hair playfully.

He opened his mouth to speak when the doorbell rang. He wasn't expecting anyone else but maybe it was Taehyung coming to pick up Jungkook and help a little. Nope, when Jin opened the door it was none other than Namjoon. The brunette had a big smile on which made Jin question his motives for coming a little bit.

"Good afternoon to you Mr. Kim." Namjoon greeted, one of his hands behind him. Jin was curious because his friend seemed awfully cheery.

"Good afternoon, Joon-ah...?" Jin replied wearily, trying to figure out what Namjoon was hiding. "I'm scared, what're you up to?"

Namjoon tsked, still not stepping into the apartment. He didn't take his hyung for someone that didn't trust their literal soulmate.

"Y'know what? I feel offended you don't even trust me." Namjoon gawked, slowly moving to take the mystery item from behind his back.

When Namjoon finally did reveal the item it was a planted pot, a red tulip to be exact. His smile somehow became brighter, if that was even possible, he was really proud. Jin looked at the plant with confusion, a small smile creeping onto his face. Namjoon brought the plant forward to him, urging him to take it.

"Tulips?" Jin questioned, looking at the blooming plant with a smile.

"Yes, it means undying friendship." The brunette said proudly. Jin snorted, sniffing the flowers while he smiled shyly.

"Red tulips mean passion and declarations of love, Namjoonie." He corrected, grabbing the younger man's arm. "Are you trying to tell me something?" He teased, little wink being sent to Namjoon.

"Wh-no! The florist kid told me the meaning of them and he said it was undying friendship!" Namjoon defended, making Jin laugh and poke his friends cheek. "He was 15 so maybe that wasn't the most reputable source of information." He said defeated.

"I still like the gift, but what's the occasion?" Jin asked, finding Namjoon's confusion endearing. It was the thought that counted after all.

"Hyung! Who is it?" Jimin yelled from the kitchen island.

"It's Namjoon!" Jin yelled back. "He brought me a flower for his declaration of love!" He laughed, which only caused Namjoon to wack his arm in panic.

As soon as Jin had said those words he saw the two boys rush over to the door. They looked way too excited, especially Jimin. Namjoon was just looking away, his cheeks with a small tint of pink.

The 30 year plan | Namjinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن