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It was Christmas Eve and they were all gathered around the little tree they had set up in Jimin and Hoseok's suite. There was hot chocolate, and room service, and a stupid Hallmark movie, and presents. Everyone seemed to be very happy as they chatted and reminisced their previous Christmas experiences, it was comfortable and jolly, at least for most of them.

Namjoon was usually the happy peppy golden retriever of the group but this time around he seemed a little glum. It seemed like the entire time they'd been here he had kept to himself. As they watched the movie he even seemed to be sniffling a little.

"When is it my turn to be happy?" He sniffled as he watched the cheesy couple on screen, causing everyone, but especially Jin to look over. Then once they were done looking at Namjoon they all stared at Jin.

"What did I do?" Jin mouthed, trying to desperately to ignore his friends' judgements. They all shrugged but Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi completely rolled their eyes.

"You and me both Nam." Yoongi chuckled, trying to break the ice a little. He ruffled Namjoon's hair and gave him a form pat on the back before sending a deadly glare to Jin.

"Can you just say something?" Jimin whispered over to the oldest stuffed his face with the Christmas popcorn.

"Like what?" Jin asked rather annoyed. Jimin glared again and this time the oldest just sighed and got up so he could walk over to the tree. "Oh would you look at that! It's 5 minutes till Christmas!" He exclaimed rather loudly as he turned on the lights.

"What are you a toddler? Sit down and turn down the lights." Jungkook snarked, hiding behind Taehyung as he did so, he didn't want to invoke the wrath of his eldest hyung.

Jin scoffed. "That's rich coming from you Kook. I'm gonna make more hot chocolate and everyone is gonna sit in a circle so we can do gift exchange." He ordered before walking their little coffee and chocolate set up.

Five minutes later and everyone was gathered round the Christmas tree in a circle, with their presents readily in front of them. Namjoon was wrapped in a blanket, again, looking rather glum but his expression changed as soon as Jin plop himself right next to him. He looked like he wanted to smile and cry all at the same time, but Jin completely ignored that and put on a huge smile.

"Alright alright. Let me say some very sweet and smart words." Taehyung started, clearing his throat and putting on his glasses. "I'm really happy that all of us are here, together, even though some of us are sad hoes." He said looking at the three single men. "But I hope everyone's Christmas wishes come true and you three better ask Santa for a manz next year. Either way MERRY CHRISTMAS!" He concluded, reaching over to pull his boyfriend into a kiss.

The friend group laughed heartily, getting up to exchange hugs and gifts. It was very jolly and nice, like a hallmark movie but Namjoon still looked the teensiest bit sad as he hugged Jin.

"Where's my gift?" Namjoon questioned, seeing his hyung empty handed. "Don't tell me you forgot it." He said almost jokingly.

"Of course I didn't." Jin replied, taking out the gift and handing it to Namjoon. "But! Please promise that you'll open it last. It's really really special. I made it just for you Joonie." He chuckled, ruffling the younger man's hair. Namjoon preened at his touch, almost as if he were drunk.

Jin was praying Namjoon wasn't drunk, but he actually didn't seem it, just too tired to act normal. How did he know? Because even though Jin had specifically told Namjoon to open his gift last the brunette's free hand went straight to tear the wrapping away.

"Ya! What did I say???" Jin exclaimed, causing Namjoon to look up for a slight second before going right back to what he was doing. "No no! Joon please!" But Namjoon's hand still rested on top of the wrapping. "Okay then if you're gonna open it now can we have a little bit of privacy?" The older man asked, looking all flustered.

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